Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer is here!

It is officially official.

School is out (would be on a Saturday anyway) and we are ready to play.

Sleep in? 

Maybe not.  Peyton is my early bird, I programmed her well.

After this last week, I truly believe I deserve a summer break more than anyone.

Getting those yearbooks out, selling off the few extras (dealing with a mob-like mentality while doing so), taking care of the girls’ last week, and days of school, teacher gifts, working in the yard, going to the dentist, staying up too late trying to get it ALL done…


Summer indeed.

I wish I had a picture to show just how sore my hands and body are.  Working to annihilate weeds and other unwanted vegetation from the back part of the yard, where the swing-set resides, was a major undertaking. The previous owners had a half-pipe that didn’t require them to grass it in back there, or put in sprinklers, which made it perfect for our plans to put the swing-set, and not have to mow around, let the kids kill the grass with the their dragging of feet on the swings.  We are still deliberating on what material will go there..

But then I really wish I had a picture of my sweet neighbors who just came over, out of the goodness of their heart, and helped.  Heck, they even loaned us their trailer to put all the garbage in!

I also got to go see our dentist. 

(Wouldn’t that make an awesome pic?)

So fun!

He was so happy to see me, happy that I came in as soon as I spotted my little bugger.  My mom (a former dental assistant) and even his own dental assistant, couldn’t spot the little area that had me so concerned.  After he got the filling off, he told me how relieved he was that I came in, like really happy.

He said, had I waited any longer, it easily could have been a root canal.

Not so fun.

that is what happens when your filling isn’t doing the job anymore.

$177 later, my mouth is happier.

My floor shows the wear and tear of the week’s events well. 

Dirt lives with us, temporarily.

But will probably continue to come in and make itself welcome until that area is finished.

It is a good time of life.  We are happy.

I also got a little award from one of my newest friends Adie, so I am thinking about other people who make me happy:


1- Joceyln – so happy she found me!  Love to read the fun stuff she does.

2-  Amanda – she is just a joy!  A big-time blogger (although she will try to tell you something different) but I love her attitude about life, mother hood, and she makes some pretty gorgeous, and tasty treats!

3- Courtney – A long time “found friend” of the www, and I love her! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Last day.

We had such a great year this school year.

It helps when you have the most awesome first grade teacher on the planet!


We are all having a little heartache over the end of the year with her.  Lynn keeps telling me that when she thinks about it, she starts to cry.

So do I.

We do have some goals for our summer vacation.

- Have fun.

- Eat lots of otter pops.

- Read 100 books.

- Keep up on learning, in fun ways.

- Potty train.  I desperately want more underwear to launder.

- Visit Lagoon as much as possible.

- Take lots of pictures. (Like that needs to be said.)

I hope we can fit it all in. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Peyton prayer.

She has been doing very well saying her own little prayers. 

We usually get bossed during them.

“ARMS!!”  she whispers, but very sternly, if our arms aren’t folded the way she prefers.

Things she usually prays for:

- be nice

- the food

- play dolls

- watch Phantom

- sisters

- be safe

- take a bath

She also prays for friends and family by name.

(Christie, Julie, Emma, Zach, Clint, Austin, Evan, and Tyler are some of her favorites.)

Quite the spectrum, but it gives us a little insight into her little 2 year old life.

She usually gets a few giggles out of us too.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our little grad.

Ashley has REALLY graduated from pre-school now.


(Last year was just practice.)

She is well on her way to kindergarten, and she can hardly wait!

Everyday she asks when she will turn six, and she has heartache when I tell her it isn’t tomorrow.  (She thinks it will be tomorrow, everyday.) It is even more of an injustice when it is someone else’s birthday.

The second question is “How many days until Kindergarten starts?”  She is usually unhappy with the answer to that one as well.  We might have to make a chain, but that will probably depress me to watch my days of summer dwindle away.

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We will miss Miss Staci.  We have had 3 awesome years with her, and hope (and pray) that maybe there will be a way to get Peyton to her at her new location (a bit farther out of my way) when it’s time.  She is an incredible teacher.

I will not miss the morning routine, usually arguing about what to eat, and what is appropriate to wear, the importance of being on time, etc.  Like this morning, when she had a fit about her hair.

(But she isn’t as bad as Lynn when it comes to being pokey!)

But I will miss (temporarily) the art projects and fun drawings.

So will my fridge. 

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It was great, that this time around, she actually sang, participated, she even smiled!!

(Quite the contrast from last year.)

The promise of lunch at McDonald’s has amazing persuasive power…

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Ashley was a little bummed (but understood) that dad couldn’t be there.  He would have been proud that she actually performed!

Her progress report was perfect!  Shows that not only does she have an awesome teacher, but that we are doing some things right too.

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We enjoyed the display table with some of her best projects, her journal (which was too cute), and that “All About Me” poster that got done just in time.

Her teacher put together a slideshow on DVD that I have a feeling we’ll be watching multiple times in the next few days.  (We have already watched it four times and we’ve been home..  not that long.)

She also made some fun friends, we hope to keep in touch with them too.

We are so proud of you Ashley!!

We are excited with all that you have learned and for your enthusiasm to continue to learn.  Thanks for smiling for the “mamarazzi” today too. ;)

Kindergarten, here we come!!

Monday, May 24, 2010


This week’s challenge at I {heart} faces is “yellow”.

I think my niece Abby, totally fits the bill.

(She is much chubbier now..)


Go see what other cheerful photos are linked there!


favorite thing..

favorite copy
this last challenge was to scrap about someTHING (not a person) that is a favorite.
i will admit that i do love the rain..   this snow is a whole other issue.
(sweet summertime kit by crystal wilkerson, and her new font, “playful”.)

A case of the Mondays.

It is Monday, again.

The day that makes us wish for Sunday, again.

The day started early, with Lynnie-lou coughing up a lung (quite literally).  I was doing everything I knew to do in order for her to find rest (and me too).

She is home from school for the day.

We also woke up to snow.

I was really enjoying the sound of rain all night while I sat curled-up in bed, reading.

The last week of May, the last week of school at that,  and we woke up to snow?!

Yup, it’s Monday.

Ashley had to get her “All About Me” poster to school this morning, they are getting everything ready for graduation later this week.

The same “All About Me” poster that was supposed to be turned in the last week of September (last year) the same week we moved.

Yup, I got it turned in today, the last week of May (this year).

So Monday

It was also “dress up as a character from your favorite book” day at pre-school.  Ashley decided at the beginning of the month that she wanted to be “Pinkalicious”.  Not too hard, considering the fact that I do have 3 girls, and pink is a staple in our wardrobe.

Problem was, when she woke up this morning (Monday to be exact), she woke with an eye that was also pinkalicious.  No, not pink eye (thank heavens it’s not that bad a case of the Mondays..), just irritated.  It took me over a half an hour to convince her to let me put eye drops in to relieve the irritation and subsequent redness.  That was a half an hour of begging, pleading, bribing, threatening, praying, and her telling me all the while how she wished that my mom were here to protect her, from me and my wicked eye drops.

I got her to school, with a slightly red eye, dressed all in pink, not harmed in any way, but late.

I have also changed two poopy diapers.

Peyton’s digestive tract also knows what day it is, apparently.

I also had the pleasure (?) of making a dentist appointment for myself (ahhhhhhh Monday!!) because my filling chipped, only to reveal a growing cavity underneath. 

While on the phone, scheduling the appointment, Peyton’s feet decided to trip her up on the third step from the bottom of the staircase, I was too far behind her to be of much help.  It was a comical fall, but a fall none the less.

It is also laundry day.  All of my comfortable pants are in the process of being laundered, and I get to wear a pair that accentuates my muffin top.

It is officially Monday, and I have officially started my countdown to Sunday.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spring, almost summer.

Signs that summer is nearing:




End of the school year.

The rain has that smell to it..  it smells good.

Windows are open more often than not.

Kids are spending a lot of time outside.

Grill gets fired-up.

Smell of fresh cut grass.

Farmer tan started.

Otter pops in freezer.

Sidewalk chalk is being used..

And not just on the sidewalk..

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18th..


It’s another I {heart} faces day!!


Head over there to check out all the flowers + faces entries.

May 13th..

may 13

Last sheet of homework!!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Only while digital scrapping..

Only while digital scrapping can I:
- Eat cookie dough.
(Without a spoon.)
-Hold Peyton on my lap as she falls asleep to thunder and lightening.
-Leave it alone, to read, play, or get a snack, without worrying about someone getting into the glue dots, or adding their own “journaling” to my layout.
-Click “undo” too many times to count, and not feel bad about it one bit!
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Today’s Spraground challenge was to use only these colors.
(Why could I only think of food..  hot dogs, namely?)
And only one font for the title, but in different sizes.  You could use a second font for journaling, if desired.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pretty Girl.

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I loved these pictures!!
This girl is my best little model lately.
(It also helps that I have started using a rad method of bribery.)
I made the background paper.  The button, and letter “a” are made with paper from Crystal’s {Funky Fresh} collection.  The label is from her “Artisan Labels”.  The staple is from November “eye candy”.  The green scalloped border is from the “Doodley-Doo” borders.
I used stitching from Brittish Designs.
Fonts are: Pharmacy, Helterskelter, and Pea Matt & Kari.

“Music is the soundtrack to our lives.”

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Dick Clark has it right..

I have been in a mood since we moved, after we went through our MANY CDs, packing up all of our stuff.  There were CDs and even tapes (yikes!) that I had completely forgotten about.  Most of this music was from certain points in my life and brings memories and feelings rushing back.

Isn’t it amazing how music can evoke so much emotion?

As we packed, we reminisced, we also divided things into different piles: trash, sell (some that I opted to keep that Merrill was all too quick to toss into the sell pile), keep, and what were Merrill’s favorites that would be on display in his room.  We still have not gotten around to un-packing ALL of it, Merrill’s stuff is up..

Our music is distinct to different times in our lives.  Some reminds us of childhood, vacations, junior high, high school, hard times, good times, being new in love, getting ready for our wedding day, newlyweds, and each of the girls as a baby and small children.  Merrill is a pro at attaching memories to music for me.  There are a few albums that, when I hear them, remind me immediately of specific events, because that was what he orchestrated for me to hear, to define it that way for me.

What good music.

What good memories!

My  re-discovered treasures are still down there, somewhere.

A friend sent me to a new music site, where I have been listening to some of this music that I am too busy (or is it lazy?) to go and dig for.


The memories that come flying at me..

Right now, I am entirely into Stone Temple Pilots.  Loving it, feeling like I am back in high school.  “Tiny Music” reminds me all too much of the time I spent with my older brother, Ken, after his mission.

Those are good memories.

I am thankful for the many more memories to come as I re-discover my music.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

She really loves her!

Ashley is my most hyperactive child.

I hope she keeps her title.  I don’t know what I would do with one more hyper and goofy than she is.

Sometimes, she is downright ridiculous and can be pretty annoying.  I know I love her, but I start to wonder how her friends and sisters feel about her when she gets like this.

I got my answer today, after another typical morning with her, getting her ready for pre-school while she teased Peyton to no end.

I was ready for the break.

It was more than welcome.

I walked her into her class and came back out to the care to see Peyton with some of the biggest tears in her eyes.  One had already spilled over onto her cheek, her chin was quivering.  I asked her what was wrong, she simply answered, “Want Ashley.”

She cried a little, and I felt sad that her most annoying, hyper, big sister was going to be gone, away from her for the next couple of hours, and she was going to miss her.

It was quite the sweetest, most unexpected moment of my day.

I wish I’d had my camera.

Last week of class. :(

I have truly loved the class I have been taking.  It was so nice to have a group of people, all learning the same things I was, able to comment and give insight into what you were trying to do.  There was a gallery for each assignment plus a practice gallery.  She even gave out creative assignments, which I didn’t do many of..  they weren’t required. ;)
The last few assignments are here:
I submitted this:
But should have submitted this instead:
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I just COULDN”T submit a picture of birds over my girls..  technically, it wasn’t 100% correct, but I loved it more than the birds, which was spot on.
She told me what I should have done differently with the shot to have it turn out so I could see their faces more clearly, but I was just snapping away at the gulls to the other side of me (the side in the sun) and the settings were metered correctly for that, then I saw these cuties, and I turned and started snapping away.  She gave me good instruction, that I already knew I needed to do that differently if I were to stop and adjust all my settings, but also praised my composition.  They are walking into the frame, their shadows are angled toward me which is more pleasing to the eye..  the shutter speed was also fast enough (thanks to those darn gulls) that every detail of them, even Ashley’s hair blowing, is frozen perfectly.  The lighting being off was the biggest deal to me.
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I have yet to hear about this assignment…
I had to laugh at our assignment a little..
We learned all about different types of lighting and how to compensate for different lighting conditions.  For this assignment, we were assigned to take our picture indoors, using indoor lighting.  Now I was laughing, because 2 of my assignments were done indoors.  We were supposed to use outdoor lighting for all the others, but with our weather plus my uncooperative subjects….  that didn’t happen.  It really wasn’t a challenge to me..  I am still waiting to hear what she has to say.
This was a hard assignment to decide what to submit.  There were many that I was happy with from my little bribed session with the girls.  I had Merrill look through the gallery of submitted photographs to help me decide which one to turn in.  We both were pretty set on this one from the beginning.  I am still waiting to hear about this one too.
It was a fun class!  I can’t wait for another and another, and another.
In the mean time, I found a book written specifically for my camera model, that I have already learned new things reading.
I just love to learn!

Rainy day in review.

I sit here, in my “eagle’s nest”, as I have so lovingly named it, Peyton calls it the “lof”, and I am listening to the rain hit the roof above my head.

I think about this day, what we were able to do during it, and am intensely thankful for the day that I have been blessed with, for the children I got to play with, read to, cook for, bake with, bathe, say prayers with, tuck in…

Days like this seem to place a magnifying glass over the little life I live, force me to examine the blessings I have been so abundantly blessed with more closely, find all of those simple things that I so take for granted.

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Mother’s Day.

Sunday, I was drawn out of sleep, not by breakfast in bed, but by the pointed corner of a homemade mother’s day card, sticking into my scalp.  When my eyes finally agreed to open, just a little, there stood Lynnie-lou.  Her hands were over her mouth hiding part of her smile.  She has been so anxious to give me the many mother’s day surprises she has been making for almost two weeks.  Whenever she would attempt to gift me one, I would tell her to save it, I love those surprises.

Peyton was awake soon after, and Merrill gave her the other gift they went together and got for me.  Ashley was close behind with the gift she had made at pre-school.

It was quite a take for the day, many homemade cards, a popsicle stick picture frame complete with a picture of Ashley and magnets on the back (because we all know I love magnets!), and See’s Truffles.

(I have been doing so well on the no sugar thing too…)

It was amazing that everyone was ready for church EARLY.  I walked over ahead of everyone else to get copies made for our upcoming RS meeting, and was able to relax and ponder for a while by myself before the block began.

Before sacrament meeting started, I was given more homemade cards, one by Peyton herself this time.

Sacrament meeting could have gone smoother.  All three girls were on something.  It was also helpful that Merrill repeatedly got calls from the person running the front desk that morning/afternoon, so he resorted to texting, to avoid leaving the chapel again, repeatedly.  That only added to the circus that was on our bench.

This was only the girls’ opening act, their shenanigans  while my heart was pounding, my body shaking because I felt the urge to bear my testimony.

Peyton kept announcing whenever she “tooted”, rather loudly at that, and that was the volume of her voice, not the “tooting” itself.  I would smile at her, and tell her to shush, but that didn’t satisfy her, I needed to show more enthusiasm.  I tried giving her a thumbs up, and saying “Good job!  Shhhhh!”  But that wasn’t enough either.  Her voice would only get louder with every announcement, so I resorted to the standard answer that suffices at home: “AWESOME!!!”   and she finally quieted down.

Right as Lynn started telling me all about the funny “saggy boob” moment in “Stardust”, a recently viewed family movie, I saw my opening to stand and walk the few steps to the pulpit.

What a note to leave on when I am going to bear my testimony.

As soon as I stood at the pulpit, Peyton started saying something loudly.  I tried to ignore, I was worried that she was making another loud announcement about her bodily functions.  I went on, Lynn flashing her “I love you” sign at me, and managed to get through.  When I sat down, the sister behind me told me that Peyton had been yelling, “I a-wuv you mommy!!”  Then I felt kind of bad that I ignored her. 

We managed to get through the next 10 minutes without threats of beating anyone.  Amazingly.

Lynn was reprimanded by Merrill, while he was texting mind you, for something she had drawn on the mini magna-doodle that was “inappropriate”.  That was all I heard Merrill say, as I was continually trying to keep Ashley from eating her dress like a goat , revealing her princess underwear to the bishopbric with every coming nibble.  Peyton was between the two girls, who were between Merrill and myself (we started out sitting together..) and she was up to her own antics.  I was trying to quiet her while keeping Ashley in check, but thankfully there was someone behind us to help with that.

I have never breathed a louder “AMEN..” at the end of that closing prayer.

The walk home proved to hold the day’s most exciting moment yet. 

I have told the girls repeatedly to WALK across the crosswalk, not to run, Peyton tries to keep up with them, thinks everything is a race.  Ashley decided that day to RUN across the first of two crosswalks we cross to get home.  Peyton, desiring a win, took off directly towards our house to steal the win.

Not on a crosswalk.


You should have seen me running in my pencil skirt and heels.

I am sure it was quite a sight.

She got a talking to, as did Ashley, and we all went inside, so I could prepare mother’s day lunch.

Honestly, I wouldn’t have my mother’s day any other way.  There would be relatively little for me to post about,  and lunch would have been top ramen and koolaid if Merrill had made it.  Not the delicious chuck roast, carrots, mashed potatoes, rolls, and gravy from the drippings, that we did have.

That, and it was my fault, I had to open my big mouth about how good the girls were the previous week at stake conference.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This one is for the ladies.

I love this day.

To me, it is not only a day to recognize my moms, it is a day to recognize all women who have touched my life.

There are quite a few, and the number just keeps growing!

I am so thankful to know so many great examples of womanhood.  So many unselfish women, who are willing to share, to sacrifice, to teach, to offer what they have in order to help and to lift others around them.  Regardless of if they have ever borne a child of their own, they still mother the souls of those around us, sometimes our own. 

I am blessed to be one of those that are lifted and inspired quite frequently.

I have many to thank for making me the woman I am, and growing ever more to be..

So I will share my favorite quote about women, from Neal A. Maxwell.  (He’s a favorite of mine..)

“Women, more quickly than others, will understand the possible dangers when the word ‘self’ is militantly placed before other words like ‘fulfillment’.  You rock a sobbing child without wondering if today’s world is passing you by, because you know you hold tomorrow tightly in your arms.”

Happy mother’s day!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8th..

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Fresh out of the camera.

Instead of’s.

I am trying to not focus on the many things that did not get accomplished on my long list of “to do’s” today.

I am trying to focus, instead, on those little blessings.

I am trying to not think of the small gifts that I wanted to be finished for some sweet ladies in my life.

I am trying to ignore those few pesky sticky apple juice spots that were splattered by Peyton on the floor today.  (My foot can’t seem to ignore them, no one else notices them .)

I am telling myself that Merrill and I will have time to get in a date next week, sometime.

We can go to Lagoon and get our passes next weekend.

I am trying to make myself think it will be okay to finish my skirt in time for next Sunday, when I teach.

The unsuccessful trip of errands today weren’t an entire waste of time.

So here come the blessings from my little day today, the things that I look back and think to myself, “Gee, I am really thankful that happened..”

- I had Peyton as my exercise buddy this morning.  She is INCREDIBLE at jumping-jacks.

- I got a shower in today. :)

- I got to have a rather long conversation with an sister-in-law, one that I haven’t been able to talk to for a while.  I forget how busy life gets, and those things just don’t happen like they used to.

- I got to wear my favorite new flip-flops running all of my un-successful errands today.

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(Ignore the toes..  the day is still not finished, and a pedicure is still on that list.)

- The driving done while running the un-successful errands yielded much quality time in the car, with my three girls.

- I got to enjoy an ice cream cone from the drive in of McDonalds after leaving Home Depot when they didn’t have what I needed, but had already passed Lowe’s.

- I improved my driving resume by driving my manual while eating said ice cream cone.

- I got to work outside, side-by-side with Merrill on the lawn.

- I got to spend today with my girls.

And when it ends like this:

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It makes all of those things that are still on that list not seem so important.

Friday, May 7, 2010