So blessed.

I am feeling extremely blessed today.

It’s not just today in particular.  I have seen the hand of my Heavenly Father in my life more frequently.  I am so thankful for so many things. 

I have been doing so many private posts lately, not wanting to put ALL of it out there.  My worries are my worries.  While I don’t want to share everything with everyone, and quite frankly, most of what I worry about seems so small and insignificant in comparison to what we see in the world today, I just keep it to myself.  They consist of tender mercies and experiences that I am just not ready to share with everyone.

I have been trying to get back to the basics.  There have been many lessons taught  that are further strengthening that resolve.  They come from all over, not just Sunday meetings, but in other inspired writings, whether they be the scriptures, or what a random blogger has written.  They come from inspired friends and family sharing their knowledge.

I have to bear my testimony today of prayer, of the Book of Mormon, and the study of scripture.

As I continually pray for comfort, I am continually blessed.  As I search out the best decisions to make, I am always guided.   It seems like life has been a sort of a puzzle lately.  With school starting again, trying to find the time to do all those things that need to be done, managing a household as well, I have been praying for guidance and comfort.  Yesterday for some reason, was a particularly worrisome day for me.  (Maybe it has something to do with Ashley starting school this week…)  I prayed constantly.  As the nighttime approached, I said my private prayer, and left my worries and stresses in the hands of my loving Heavenly Father.

This morning, I started my day again with prayer with the girls, and we set out about our day.  It is amazing how much I am able to accomplish when I go about things in the right order, just how much I am blessed!  Today hasn’t been any different.  I have prayed for help with my goals, re-establishing good habits, and as I go about, trying to do those things that I have set out to do, I get them done.

I know I have help.

I sat to read my scriptures, and yet again, was blessed.

I won’t post the entire reference here, but a link (in case you are interested), and some of what touched my heart today.

My reading was 2 Nephi Chapter 4:

“ 20 My God hath been my asupport; he hath led me through mine bafflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.

  21 He hath filled me with his alove, even unto the bconsuming of my flesh.”

“23 Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given me aknowledge by bvisions in the night-time.

  24 And by day have I waxed bold in mighty aprayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me.”

“34 O Lord, I have atrusted in thee, and I will btrust in thee forever. I will not put my ctrust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his dtrust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.

  35 Yea, I know that God will give aliberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I bask cnot amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the drock of my erighteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen.”

I KNOW that these scriptures were preserved by the hand of the lord to be brought forth in these times for our benefit.  I know that we have  loving Heavenly Father who only waits for us to ask for His help, and He lovingly and willingly blesses us.

I am so thankful for the comfort I have.

(I just wish I would have received some direction as to NOT putting on my make up BEFORE I read this!)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Christmas in July #2..

I am ever aware just how far away July is.  It is so far in the rearview at this point, but now is when I also have the time..
display block
This sweet little block was inspired by a craft idea I saw on “How Does She”, but this version has a couple of twists to it.
(But gotta give credit where credit is due!!)
I simply took a 4x4 post, cut it, with some help ;), down to 12 inches.  It also works great in other lengths.
I painted the edges that would later peek through the paper and let it dry while I cut my scrapbook paper.  I chose to round the corners on this one, I like the way it turned out.
Next, I modge podged that cute pre-cut scrapbook paper onto the block and let it dry while getting all the wrinkles and bubbles out.
When the modge podge and paper combo. was thoroughly dry, I marked on the top, very lightly, 12 staggered little dots where I drilled with a 1/16 inch drill bit.
(You might want to distress it by sanding and staining here a little too..)
I cut wire in two lengths, 8 and 11 inches, curled half (sometimes a little more), and kinked the base of the curl. Those got stuffed in the drilled holes (and can be glued if your kiddos are like mine…  I used E6000).
So cute to display cards, pictures, notes, or even activities for the holidays, snowy days, or even birthdays..
I have a Christmas one too..  this one is for my January Snowman theme.  But I will be making many more!  A birthday display block is next on my list.  Let me know if you want to play too!

Because I am like that.

You’d think the day before school starts, I would be out, doing something crazy-fun with the kiddos, relishing every last moment of summer…

Not I.

The way I cope with things that are stressful/not so pleasant, is to take on some too large project for the free time allotted in my life.

That is why this year, the day before school started, I was re-organizing Lynn’s room.

I took EVERYTHING off the walls, patched and touched-up the paint.

(I wasn’t crazy enough to paint it a new color like I really wanted to.)

The neutral color needed to be matched, Home Depot was awesome at that.

(But it is boring, and I REALLY wanted to paint it a pale pink.)

Lynn was so excited for her room make-over, but a little disappointed there would be no pink going on her walls.

(Yet.  I am not crazy..  I WILL do it LATER..)

room re-do

It was pretty much decided in my head that we would be getting her these shelves from IKEA.  Just like mine in the craft room.  I love them so much!  And they have dropped in price. :)

We already had the bins.  It is nice that this stuff is all off the floor.

room re-do2

This just got re arranged a little.

room re-do3 room re-do4

Love this…

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Some things in her room are old, some are new, some are just re-arranged.  Her room is organized better and she has more space!

So even in my craziness, I think it is a great way to start off a new year of school.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A birthday tradition.

It has been a tradition for Merrill’s birthday’s that I make him a cake with a design of his choosing.

That’s how most of the birthday cakes go around here…  but his isn’t a barbie doll, or a care bear..

It is usually an album cover.

This year, he chose his favorite album from last year.

aug 27

The lighthouse kinda freaked me out, but the beams coming from it proved to be the stressful element.

haapy b-day merrill happy b-day merrill2

He likes it, and as my dad would say, “It’s gonna turn into poop anyway…”

August 27th..

aug 27

It’s a tradition for me to make Merrill a personalized birthday cake..  this year it was his favorite album from last year.

(‘Cause we didn’t celebrate the big 3-0 last year…  it had to be this year.)

Happy happy…



Today this guy celebrates.. okay, maybe “celebrate” isn’t the right word….  recognizes his birthday.  WE celebrate.

Today he happens to be 31.

(He’ll tell you he’s 30, since he didn’t celebrate that one last year.)

He didn’t want a big deal made out of his birthday.  So we are keeping it low-key.

(It’s a good thing I already Facebooked about it, Twittered it, and now, I am blogging it.)

Love you Merrill!!!  I think you are hot for over 30.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One night of camping? I’ll take it!!

Last weekend, we went with my parents to their ward campout.  It was held at the place I call “my second home”.  I did a lot of growing up there, and love it.

So when the question came, multiple times, “All of this (picture the Pilot all loaded up) and you are just going up for ONE night?!”


I’ll take what I can get!

And, I will love it!

It was hard on everyone, but the kiddos especially, that we weren’t spending our usual week up there.

It was still heavenly.

Just a FEW of my fav pics:

Promise with a sleeping Abby.

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Ashley collecting firewood.

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Mom and Lynn going for a walk.

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Peyton, so amazed at what rocks do when they hit water.

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My niece Hallie.

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Playing with trucks..

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The Mayes men (-1).

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Flowers for me?!

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James listening to the campfire tell it’s story.

We sat around the campfire a lot longer, and later then we usually would, considering we only had the one night.

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You could usually find Ashley, right next to Abby!

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Finding bugs..

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Sharing bugs..

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Grandpa doing what he does best, buggin’ and teasing.

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And how could you say no to either of these…

(The pictures, I mean.)

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It was a great weekend, even though we ALL wished it were longer.  The girls also wished we had our hitch and bike rack so we could have brought the bikes…  maybe next year.

Ashley’s story.

At the beginning of the year, Ashley got this little book in primary, it’s intended use a scripture journal.

She did her own thing with it.

Almost every Sunday, she would get it out in Sacrament meeting, and start coloring away.

A couple of weeks ago, she revealed the book to me.

“This is the story of me and Brandon’s happy home…”

(Brandon is one of our favorite neighbor boys.  He and Ashley have already pretty much arranged their future marriage.)

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“This is a picture frame with our wedding picture in it.”

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“This is me cooking lunch for Brandon..  and here is Brandon at our table eating the lunch I cooked for him.”

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“Here are pictures of us in our wedding clothes..”

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“Here we are watching TV.  Brandon has the remote and he’s trying to find something for us to watch for a while.  I am crocheting.  We agreed to watch this for a while.”

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“Here we are going to bed.  That is our fireplace and our TV.  We are sleeping under the blanket I crocheted.”

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“We are watching the moon, and there is a shooting star!”

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“Now we are flying kites…”

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“And here’s pictures of us so you can see how we are different…”

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“The end!!!”

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I love it Ash!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First day (gulp).

Even though she has been excited for second grade (!!!), I wasn’t quite ready to let go of summer. 

Unless she was teasing one of her younger sisters, then I was a little excited.

So to you Lynnie-Lou-Hoo…

I don’t know which was cuter: you singing in the shower last night at the top of your lungs, “I’m gonna be a seeconnnndd graaaaderrrr tomorrrrrrowwwwww!!” or the sweet hug you and dad shared after your back to school father’s blessing.

Or this:

first day too(4)

Or this:

first day too(5)

(You were very specific as to how you wanted your backpack personalized..)

Or your excitement at seeing old friends.

1st day too

I am going to miss seeing this grin all day..  will have to settle for the few I get before 8 am, and the far too many I get while you are silly doing your homework.

1st day 

Or did I love it a little TOO much when you were VERY done with my mammarazzi ways taking pictures?

 first day too(3)

I know you will be a great friend to all you meet this year.  I know you will have a great time, and hope you enjoy all the notes I slip into your lunch (and hope they don’t embarrass you too much).

I hope you grasp all that you are taught, and I hope you find excitement in everything you learn.

(Between you and me, I hope you do far better at math than I was ever able to!)

first day too(2)

Know that every day when you leave, I will be there, waiting for you.

aug 25

Love you Lynnie-Lou-Hoo, my seeconnnndd graaaaderrrr!