Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So here I am, solo for bedtime, again... trying to convince Ash that her shadow, and the shadows of inanimate objects, are NOT out to get her...
All this drama while trying to get homework done and everything else ready for our crazy, not long enough Wednesday...
We had a blast today with our buddy Nathan (or Nat-an, as only Ash can say...). That kid is so stinkin' fun! Always making us laugh. Lynn didn't want to go to Kindergarten, that's how fun he is. It didn't help when mom showed up to drop off her cookie sheets for crafternoon... She really was determined to stay with Grammy here... I got her off, not very happy, but that all changed when she saw her friend Elle...
I didn't want to get my chores done today, playing with Nathan and Ash was far too tempting... we played some wild games of Candyland, and a Grandma W. classic, "find the stick of gum I hid so well" game that Nathan loves to play when he's here... but I eventually got them done... not as much as I should have; Peyton is being the vacuum, I should really clean the floors better...
But hey! I did manage to get groceries done today!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Confessions of a slacker mom...

Great thought... Mer is gone. Dinner early. Kids to bed early... um, no groceries got done today, see previous post.. so, we had Arctic Circle for dinner...
Peyton found her first kids meal:She has yet another new trick too...

One day down... almost.

We are doing pretty good! Seems just like normal... you know, staying up late, getting up early, and all the daily fun...
Took Ashley on her first field trip. It was at Apple Tree assisted living, in Kaysville. I took her to Apple Village in Layton... Apple Tree... Apple Village... Layton... Kaysville... all the same, right? Well, at least I wasn't the only mom who didn't get a little confused.
The kicker, I got a HUGE rock chip in the windshield trying to find the right place... gotta get that fixed...
I talked to Ash the whole way there, reminding her about when Grandma was in a Nursing home, telling her that it might be similar. I told her how happy these people would be to see her and her friends sing for them and talk to them. She was all confidence until we got inside and everyone kept looking at her. "Mom! They are all looking at me and smiling!!!" (GASP!) She wasn't much of a performer. Instead, I was, and Peyton danced...
They all thought that Peyton was a little boy... there is a bow in her hair, but everything else... they kept asking Ash if this was her little brother. Ash just looked at them and shook her head like they were crazy. Sweet old folks...
It was quite the adventure getting everyone up a 7 am, yes, 7 am, to get ready and be off to be there by 9 am. Thanks to Tif who let Lynn come play with Elle and took her to Kindergarten.. friends are the best (pancakes!)!
After the field trip, Ash went to pre-school for her last hour. I went to Target to get some birthday shopping done. I left Target with more than enough time to hit the light on Riverdale, hang a left onto the awesomely torn-up street (Randy, heart!), and drive to the on-ramp for I-84, straightway to get the kid. TWO cycles at that light and it NEVER turned green for us! I was calling anyone who would be close enough to get Ash, AND who was also on my authorized pick-up list, no answers. I had 10 minutes... I ended-up taking South Weber Drive, and speeding mind you, to catch the next on-ramp for the interstate. I get there only to find that street torn up and closed. More detours, and speeding, but I got there only five minutes late, that speeding helped ;)...
Now, were are having a pit-stop before the next round of single super mom begins!
I have to say I do feel good, up-beat. I missed the general Women's Meeting Saturday, was spending quality time with my main dude, but I watched it last night via the church's web site. I love that President Uchtdorf pretty much okay-ed all of my scrapbooking and creative stuff ;)
It was such a good meeting with incredible messages! Just the kick-off I needed for this next little while...

More fun with cookie sheets... another give away!

Randee gave me a great idea... make an countdown to Halloween calendar... so, I did!
I'll have to start it on October 7th, so in a week, just about...
And guess what?...
I am giving one away too!
The rules are just about the same as last time...
- Leave a comment, which includes either your (that means that you wore it...) favorite Halloween costume EVER... or a favorite Halloween memory.
- If you link the give away from your blog, bonus entry! (You gotta tell me though....)
- If anyone from your blog enters the give away, and drops your name, yet another bonus entry!
The recipient will be announced October 1st... GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We love our Daddy!

I am a Best Western widow... I got married because I love this cute dude, I want to spend time with him, not away from him... absence does make the heart grow fonder, but I don't care for the absence half of that whole equation...
I am so thankful for observant little Lynnie-Lou... when we left for church, Mer was still here. When we got home, gone... she noticed this:Merrill has left me little notes on the fridge before, and it has taken me day(s), sometimes, to notice them... that's why I am thankful for Lynn, she found it.
Goodnight Daddy! We love you!!!(I am trying to find a threatening picture of my shooting the 9 mm so as to scare off anyone who might try to do something funny :)... maybe tomorrow...)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The best magnets...

If you are planning on participating in our "craftermornereve" (all day, that is...) and you haven't gotten all of your supplies, yet.. here's the best deal on magnets that I have found, they hold really well too:
They are at Wal-Mart on the craft isle, with the kids stuff, foamies, popsicle sticks, etc... $5.97 for 50!

Baby cards...

Baby girl cards to be more specific...
I got all of these done super fast! Thanks to a stash of scraps and ribbon, and the Cricut of course ;)...


A girl after my own heart!
How could I deny her the happiness of sharing the bowl licking process with me?...
Now I've found something that she eats even better than carrots and pears...

Friday, September 26, 2008

I am so blessed...

Today Lynn and I went on her first field trip to the nature center. It was so fun riding on the bus with her for her first time! She giggled and giggled at all the bumps and bounces as the bus drove along. She kept hugging me and telling me how happy she was that I was there. "I love you mom! I am so glad you are here with me! This is so fun!"
The people out there were so cute with the kids and so kind! The kids were able to learn so much because their approach to teaching was so awesome.
I just felt so blessed to be able to go with her, not to have to work, to have family close to come watch the other two...
I had four little kindergartners to keep close watch of, and they were some cute kids! One little girl was so shy the whole time. She kept suppressing a smile, she wouldn't quite really smile at me. On the ride home, she really opened up to me and just started chatting away. She was so excited because since we did the field trip in the morning (and they are afternoon kids..) she wouldn't have to go to day care that day. "Day care is gross. There are kids that don't go potty in the bathrooms so there is pee everywhere. Even the mats that we are supposed to sleep on smell like pee." My heart broke! I was so sad for her that those were her life circumstances. I know, some people need the money, some people aren't as blessed as I am, to get to stay home with my kids. But I just felt so badly for her. Then she got all excited... "But I won't have to go to day care or school for the next ten days because my family is going to Disneyland, and Sea World, and Lego Land.."
Yeah, we could have some extras... but being home, making my home and being with my kids, is far far better!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Advent Calendar... GIVE AWAY!!!

I have officially re-gained my crafty (hehehehe... that was my best evil laugh...) life...
Here's my fruits:
I will be giving her away to one very jolly lady, or should I say person?...
Leave a comment telling me about a favorite holiday tradition or memory, and your name will be entered in a drawing for this masterpiece... winner announced Sunday evening!
If you don't win, then on Monday, you can go buy supplies and make one with me on Thursday, October 2nd, you name the time, my joint! (I will be open ALL DAY... I am a Best Western Widow!)
Supply list is in the side bar... I might add to it later as I am trying to get a fussy baby to sleep right now and I really don't know what it is that I am doing, or talking about, but if she hits her head one more time on some hard object while trying to crawl... so help me!
Um, anyway...
Buy a cookie sheet. The cheaper, the better. Any size, I used 11x17... no Teflon coated, the magnets won't hold.
You can prime you cookie sheet with automotive primer and spray paint it yourself, or you can bring it to me, specify which color you prefer, and I'll do it ;)... You must have it to me by Wednesday morning!!!
I will have the glue needed to adhere your paper, and a Cricut (and MANY fonts...) to cut out lettering, or foam stamps and paint to letter with. I also have wire for the hanger. I will also drill the holes needed before I paint your cookie sheet, or you will have to drill them yourself BEFORE YOU PAINT.
I also have various corner rounders, punches, and a trimmer, but you will have to bring your own papers!!!
Rick-Rack and ribbons are up to you too...
Now, for those daily pieces...
There are many options... above, is the collected, eclectic look. You have to come up with those too. (I do have 15 of the metal light bulbs [#5], those go to the first 15 to call them.) Or you may opt for the more consistent approach (my fav... heart!), as demonstrated below:
Those are circles punched in the background paper (double-sided) after I printed my numbers on them with my computer (I do have that saved...) topped with a page pebble, and glued to the magnets. (Those are one inch.) You have about 1 1/2 inches to play with in those squares. Bottle caps would be cute, wooden circles... you get the idea, right?
Oh, and those numbers, you gotta do those too. I used rub-ons, kind of a pain, I liked printing them much better, stamps would be cool too, I have to see if I have a font that small, so if you don't want my computer printed number method, get busy finding your numbers...
I will also have the grid, thanks to Christie :).
I think that's it, but I am very tired now, somewhat not all here...
RSVP so I know how much stuff to have for sure...
It'll be fun!
Should I bust out some Christmas tunes?

Give Away!!!

See the other blog for a pretty fun give away...

My other kids...

I do tend to blog the most about Peyton, she is changing and growing the most, the fastest... but I do have two other girls...
My pet peeve:
Lynn and I actually tied!
I am getting much better at French Braiding...
She is such a natural, she loves her hand-me-downs... and those pink boots!
Ashley is just too silly... her favorite words are not good ones. I dread what comes out of her mouth when I am not present! She may not be able to keep her mouth shut, but she can keep her eyes shut!
A big shout-out to all those "Scentsy Girls"... thanks for coming!!! It was fun! For those of you you couldn't make it, I close my party Monday, and have catalogs... leave a comment if you are interested! I have one for you Randee :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What can I say?!

Everyone is growing up!
Peyton is learning so much... one example...

I also had to lower the crib mattress, again... she's pulling herself up on everything!I have been trying so hard to get her to enjoy solid foods a bit more. I took the oral syringe for a new use, she liked to suck her food off the spoon and would get very frustrated, so I employed the syringe, she loves to take her flouride, and she liked it much better. Last night, we used the spoon, she ate carrots, and loved them!
She has also discovered the mirror. She thinks that new baby is so hilarious, and kinda cute... she gives herself kisses.Lynn is just continuing on in all of her kindergarten awesomeness. She got to be the teacher's helper yesterday and told me, "I just couldn't get that smile to get off my face! I was so excited to help!" Her work is going much better, now that she doesn't erase (or un-rase as Lynn would say...) all of it, even when her teacher says it is great.
On our walk home from school yesterday, we had a little discussion on school buses. We were watching our neighbor park hers. Lynn was saying how we have many school buses that drive through our neighborhood, but the pioneers didn't have them, and there aren't any school buses in heaven. I asked her how she knew that. Her answer: "Because in the pictures of Heaven, there aren't any school buses. On the pioneer show that comes on after PBS kids ("Little House on the Prairie"), they have to walk 'cause there aren't any buses. Sometimes they rode in wagons, though, huh?" She's so dang smart, and cute...
On that same day, while Ash and Pey and I were walking to get Lynn, Ashley was making me laugh, as usual, and I just said, "Oh, Ash... I love you! You are so funny and so cute. You make me laugh."
Her reply, "I know." I think I am raising a very confident daughter... a headstrong one too.

Monday, September 22, 2008


I've gotta say, how thankful I am for such good friends.
Seriously, they are there for everything! You get support, encouragement, sympathy, empathy, laughs, memories, crying sessions (much needed at times), good times, soup, cookies.. PANCAKES.
I love to celebrate "birthdays" with good friends.. I love just goofing off and being spontaneous. I love that I can share my thoughts and feelings with my friends and not be judged. It's so funny how we are all so alike, that we can connect on so many different levels, the smallest of our personal make-up, we happen to have in common (i.e. the love of child birth, scents of candles).
I am thankful to have made many friends throughout my life. Sometimes we lose touch and get re-connected (thankfully!). In other instances, the circumstances of our lives enable us to find one another, strangers at first, fast friends soon after, sometimes we are blessed to be made family.
I am thankful for you all, for your examples, kindness, support, good laughs, and plenty of pancakes!!!
Love you all!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

It's done...

The Primary Program is OVER!!! It is just one of those things that come and go, with much preparation between. It's a good thing I have my entourage, there to be behind the scenes with me, working through every possible detail.
The kids did awesome! They sang so well, I just wish that the pictures hadn't been so plentiful, or there at all... darn, I should have left them at home on accident...
Lynn said her part and Ashley was Ashley. She didn't say much of anything, even with a generous bribe, and there was only one song that mom said she really sang. Mom came to sit with Peyton, who has had a bit of separation anxiety lately, and with me and Merrill in primary now, I was kind of worried about that. She was good, till she got tired...
Now we are home, relaxing... wondering what I can do just for myself until the next thing comes...

Friday, September 19, 2008

My only play time...

The only things I have made lately...
Home decorating is my catalyst...

Tai Pan Trading and the Cricut are awesome together!

Just being a mom...

I am slowly adjusting to this new crazy schedule. Running kids here and there, doing homework (!?!), reading, keeping up on my own chores... and just trying to squeeze in enough fun. Some fun stuff going on...
Lynn is reading! I must admit they are only her sight words, but she knows them! It's happy and sad all at the same time, seeing her grow so much.
A week (?) ago, I French braided Lynn's hair for the first time! It turned out better than I thought. I just need to pull in more hair evenly... it was a little chunky. Now all I need is some practice... if only I could convince her to let me... maybe a yummy treat to occupy her.
She loved the waves the next day after we took out the braids.
Speaking of yummy treats...
The other day while getting Lynn, Peyton was not being her happy self. I was trying everything! Toys, books, songs... everything. I started to rummage for something that would be new and exciting. I came across a dum-dum from the bank in the cup holder. Bingo! Happy happy girl. It's bonuses all around for her, she gets a yummy, sticky, sweet treat, and she gets a bath after she's done. She loves those baths!
She also proved her Pitcher girl-ness at lunch the other day. We were all talking, and she was in her highchair, trying to get in her own word. She must have learned from two other examples, because she grabbed either side of her tray, threw her head back, and screamed! We all got quiet, and she looked at us with the most satisfied grin. Another squealer...
Merrill stuck Ashley's glasses on Pey the other night and it was like she was in a whole new world, everything being tinted blue... she's so fun!
And Ash...
The joys of a preschooler dressing herself...
I managed to convince her that it was slightly too warm for pants WITH the skirt, and the sweater would be much better on a cold day... isn't she darling though?
I went to Macey's case lot sale. Mom and Dad give us a gift card every year for Christmas to spend there on food storage. So I watch for the case lot sale to get the best deals. I went with Ash and Pey while Lynn was in school. I didn't want to carry my purse, cause hello, it's the CASE LOT SALE... a purse would just take up valuable cart space! So I stuck my gift card and debit card, just in case, in my back pocket. I had a thought, "You're gonna lose it there." I ignored it. Uh, guess what happened... I lost it. My debit card stayed in place, but that gift card, gone. I went back to the only place where I had bent down to pick up Peyton's toy and before I could get there, I saw a stock boy and asked him if he'd happened to see my gift card. He said no, but I told him where I was when I had bent over. He found it, thank heavens! But I will never ignore a simple thought like that again.
I got lots of good stuff... I came home to unpack it, I can stack it nicer if I unpack the cases, and I am so glad I did! 7 out of 24 cans of kidney beans were empty! So I got to take them back, to the amazement of the staff at Macey's, and exchange them for cans with beans in them.
While I got a lot of good stuff, I didn't get as much as I did last year with the same amount of money. That just goes to show where the economy is...
Let's not even get started on that.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Me... the Princess!

While playing with her buds, Nathan and Zach, Ashley handed one of them a sword. He didn't have one, the other did. As she armed him with his new weaponry, she told him, "Here. You fight him with this, for me, the princess!"
Little girls...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The pictures should explain...

Life has been busy.. good, but busy. Everyone's going everywhere, at the same time, it seems, and I am just hanging on.
So hopefully the pics will somewhat explain my week, well, at least the highlights of it.
Peyton is seven months old...
And very mobile. Most of my attempts at getting her picture ended with her escaping.
She's very happy with herself...
And she is furthering her education by performing numerous other tricks and feats... can you say, "Hello baby gates"?
I have been in the Halloween spirit for long enough now. I figured the beginning of the week, that I should put up my decorations and enjoy them. The season goes by too fast. Went to Tai Pan and found some cute ideas there too...

I was also a little tired with the arrangements on my shelves, so I re-arranged them, after a helpful trip to Roberts and Tai Pan... Thanks for introducing me Brookers!
I did do vinyl lettering on the plate and the metal sign (be thankful)... so I got some new, re-purposed some old...
Family fun lately has been to go to Mer's warehouse, with blankets and any treats, and watch movies projected with Clint's projector, onto my beautifully seamed king sized sheets... our own little movie theater, complete with safety pad seating... the girls love it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New haircut and a hot date...

Needed a change... went and got a haircut...
Now I'm off for a hot date... and Mer asked who it is... duh!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just call it Tuesday tag day...

My childhood friend, Tiffany, did this tag. It looked like fun.
So don't be a bum, do it too!
Six random things about ME!
1. I do not like clowns. I think it would be safe to say that I hate them. Hate is a strong word, I know, but I could seriously care less if they existed. I would much prefer a parade or a circus without them. I was scarred for life on my second birthday when my aunt Wendy, invited her buddy "Corky the Clown", as "the entertainment". There is honestly something wrong with someone who thinks it would be "fun" to cover their real identity with something that really isn't that friendly looking. But seriously, there are so many serial killers who dress as clowns, they hide who they really are with the demented white-washed face and exaggerated features slathered on with greasepaint, and then try to make you their friend. (Shudder...)
2. I have A+ blood, and believe that genetic factor contributes to my perfectionist attitude. (Get it, A+, like a grade...)
3. I have a record. Misdemeanor Mindy, you can call me. It came from the short time period in which I worked for Smith's as a bagger/checker, and my duties were in that order. It was my day to bag, but the store soon got busy and they needed me to check. My first time ever, and I got caught in a police sting. I was so flustered when this guy wanted to buy a single, over-sized can of beer, I by-passed the I.D. prompt in trying to figure out how to ring it up correctly. Needless to say, he got a great deal, and I got busted. At least I am smiling in my mugshot!
4. I have a sweet tooth. I could easily make a meal out of a bag of sugar.
5. I still have dreams about waking up late for school, having nothing to wear because my closet is full of my high school wardrobe... and when I get there, after trying to gat the girls ready and find a babysitter, I can't remember if it's "A day" or "B day", and my schedule is a little blurry.
6. I used to win all of the girls camp burping contests. I can burp "I love you... I do not participate in that activity anymore, however, as I want my husband to remain married to me.

Backpack tag...

We were tagged a while ago to divulge the super-secret contents of all Ashley's must have's that she keep contained within the pink zipper of her Care Bear back pack... I honestly didn't know where it was until we had to find it for pre-school...
So, here they are!
- Glow Worm
- My Little Pony coloring pages
- Polly Pocket Snow White, with Belle's dress...
- and a dinosaur skull from a kid's meal.
So, since pretty much all of our kids have backpacks, feel free to show what they desire to pack around... and pass it on.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ashley's first day...

Today was Ashley's first day of pre-school...
She was so excited. I was too. I didn't cry though, like I have with Lynn, when I dropped her off. Maybe I am just all cried out...
This last week has been a tough one. There are so many changes taking place, I am in a little bit of a shock. I had better get used to this, it is life after all...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

My kids say some funny things...

The girls have been cracking us up, as always.
When we were watching Evan when Brooke had her last appointment, Lynn woke up and asked what was going on. I explained to her that Brooke and Austin had a doctor's appointment, they were hopefully going to find out if they were having a girl, or another boy. Lynn said, "I think they are going to have a sister, just like we had Pey... but I think it would be fun to have a brother. Do you know what kind of brother I would like to have?... a Jonas Brother!!!"
(Thanks Jaclyn and Sophie for that party favor, by the way... she's now Jonas Brother crazy...)
Ashley now picks what she wears by it's "rock star-ness". She'll tell me that she wants to wear a particular shirt because it looks like the kind of shirt a rock star would wear. She'll then tell me, "Mom, I need to wear this shirt, because I'm a rock star."
While in the car yesterday, Ashley said that she was going to still be a rock star when she gets old. Lynn said that she wanted to be a stay at home mom, "Just like you are, huh mom?"
The other day, I spanked Ash (and I've been trying not to...). She cried about it for quite a while. After most of her tears and sniffles were over, she came to me to tell me something she thought was very important...
"When I get to be big and be a mom just like you, I'm not gonna spank my kids' butts... I'm gonna be a nice mom."
I told her to be sure to call me when she ends up spanking her kids' butts because they won't listen, just like she doesn't listen to me.
And while we're on the subject of butts...
While at a new park last weekend, Ash had to use the restroom. I held the door shut while she went, (it was a classy joint, no latches to shut the doors, no toilet paper either...) and then thought I had better go while we were there. As I sat down, Ash remarked, "Whoa! You have a big butt! When I'm a mom like you, will my butt grow that big too?"
She makes me feel so good about myself. ;)

Friday, September 5, 2008

We survived!

Thank goodness it's Friday!!! We have officially survived the first week of kindergarten!
It was a little iffy as to the probability that we would all come away from this week with our sanity still in existence.
The first day, I was unaware of "the pick up" rules. Where you can and cannot drive, and the fact that, if you say you will pick up your child, you have to physically enter the kindergarten area, and pick up your child. Me, getting out Ash and Pey, after finding a parking spot, because I cannot drive into the bus loop, which is ever so conveniently right off the kindergarten door, and walking to go and get Lynn... nah. I had to get schooled by Christie. We made arrangements for her kids to stop at the kindergarten door and snatch Lynn, walk out the catwalk, where I would be waiting. It's great to have such good friends with such awesome kids who are willing to help this first time wreck of a mom!
So, back to "the pick up"... I saw that I couldn't drive down to the kindergarten door, where I told her to meet me, and started to hunt for a spot to park to go and get her. Just then, I see her and her teacher walking around to the front of the school. I honk my horn and wave to let them know that I really am there, get out of the car to go and get her. Lynn was a little upset I could tell. She tried to bolt out into the street to get to me only to have her teacher, who was trying to keep her from getting squished, hold her back. I got across and got her. On our little walk back to the car, I asked her, "How was your first day?" with all the excitement I could exude. She replied sobbing, "It was just awful!"
On the ride home, I asked her what made it awful. She told me that her teacher had gotten upset with her because Lynn was trying to leave when school ended to find me. She told Lynn that she couldn't leave, but the rest of the kids were gone, and she was only trying to follow my instructions. She tried to leave again, and her teacher got a little more stern. That's when she decided to walk with Lynn. So we had a talk about how her teacher has rules that she has to obey, just like Lynn does. We figured out our new pick-up plan, and prayed that the next day would be better.
The next day, we had the pep talk about listening to the rules, doing what we are asked. I went into her class to let her teacher know of our new pick up plan, so we wouldn't have any hurt five-year old feelings.. she then told Lynn to go out to the covered area and wait for class to start, "we still have 15 more minutes..." What!? 15 minutes? It is 11:05, and class starts today at 11:10... where did she get 15 minutes? Go out to the covered area to find more kids and parents waiting... I didn't even know that they were supposed to wait out there, I assumed she'd go into the school, into her classroom, or at least wait in the hallway... this is all weird.
I waited on the other side of the catwalk after school, waiting with as much patience as I could. I was near tears, so excited to see her, it has been harder than I thought having her gone, and hoping that her day was better. As soon as I saw her little head bobbing alongside Hailey, I almost burst into tears! She got to the car, and out came my question. Her answer, "It was terrible." She got in trouble, apparently.
Now you have to understand, I have a sensitive little girl here. A stern look will make her feel like she has killed the beloved family pet. A stern voice will send her running for her life. She is my delicate flower. So to get all of the information out of her is difficult at best. It comes out the way a five-year old understands the world, how she perceives it.
So when I ask her to tell me what she got in trouble for, she tells me that they were in the library, listening to a story, and she went underneath her chair and "the teacher helper" said, now this is good, "Sit up and act like a five year old!" She said that "the teacher helper" said it "very rudely". It made her cry. Her teacher also said "no, no.." and that upset her. But come to find out it was because she was writing a's and h's instead of the c's she was supposed to be writing.
We again, talked about rules. It is a rule to sit in your chair when you are in the library. We are also supposed to do what the teacher asks of us. If she says to draw a square, draw a square not a heart... and so on, and so forth...
I did ask her, "Lynn, how is a five-year old supposed to act?"
She shrugged her shoulders. I told her that no one, has the right to talk to a child like that.
That's what infuriates me the most. There is an adult, who is in a classroom full of kindergartners on their second day of school ever, and they are going to talk like that? They need a reality check. I told Lynn to let me know whenever that "teacher helper" was in her class again. I'll let her have it if she thinks she can be that way to poor, helpless kids. Seriously, what kind of sense does that make? Like there is a set standard for how a five-year old should act?!
Yesterday was much better. Lynn told me how she tried extra hard to obey the rules. And today was even better.
I, however, am a little in shock, a little depressed. Where has my easy-going life gone? No sleeping in, and doing whatever needs to be done, whenever it works out. Every day has a schedule, which isn't bad, but having the outside world tell us when to do things and how to do them is hard on me. I am praying for the school day to go by fast, and I am not the one going to school! I miss her. I have been cleaning my heart out to distract myself while she is gone.
Ash starts next week, we went to her pre-school open house today. She is so excited. But to me, there's just one more schedule, one more little one gone, out of my control...
So on to my only one not leaving me... Pey hasn't been sleeping through the night, and when Ash went through this phase, it was because she wasn't getting enough to eat. So I have been trying to be better about cereal and even trying to introduce new foods to her. The first night, rice cereal, which she has loved, and applesauce. She totally gagged on both. It was quite funny, but she really didn't care for it. I know, try try try again... the next night, I attempted oatmeal and some bananas. Same reaction. It really is funny, the expression she makes... but she ended-up gagging till she spit up most of what she had eaten. Then she woke up in the night, hungry. I think the only part of this whole routine she likes is the bath. I'll put her in the kitchen sink or the tub and she loves it! I just need to keep on trying. I just can't take a picky eater... yet one more person's schedule...
All of these schedules, getting kids to bed on time, making sure things get done, I am feeling like I will never scrap again, and wonder when Mer and I will even have time for just us.
And this will be life, for a couple of decades +...

Pey's first jeans...

Check out her cute little booty! Got these jeans at the Old Navy $7 sell... didn't wait in line, got them online instead, same great deal... Love 'em! Still trying to get some good shots of her crawling, but when I whip out the camera, she wants to pose...