Here's my fruits:

Leave a comment telling me about a favorite holiday tradition or memory, and your name will be entered in a drawing for this masterpiece... winner announced Sunday evening!
If you don't win, then on Monday, you can go buy supplies and make one with me on Thursday, October 2nd, you name the time, my joint! (I will be open ALL DAY... I am a Best Western Widow!)

Um, anyway...
Buy a cookie sheet. The cheaper, the better. Any size, I used 11x17... no Teflon coated, the magnets won't hold.
You can prime you cookie sheet with automotive primer and spray paint it yourself, or you can bring it to me, specify which color you prefer, and I'll do it ;)... You must have it to me by Wednesday morning!!!
I will have the glue needed to adhere your paper, and a Cricut (and MANY fonts...) to cut out lettering, or foam stamps and paint to letter with. I also have wire for the hanger. I will also drill the holes needed before I paint your cookie sheet, or you will have to drill them yourself BEFORE YOU PAINT.
I also have various corner rounders, punches, and a trimmer, but you will have to bring your own papers!!!
Rick-Rack and ribbons are up to you too...
Now, for those daily pieces...
There are many options... above, is the collected, eclectic look. You have to come up with those too. (I do have 15 of the metal light bulbs [#5], those go to the first 15 to call them.) Or you may opt for the more consistent approach (my fav... heart!), as demonstrated below:

Oh, and those numbers, you gotta do those too. I used rub-ons, kind of a pain, I liked printing them much better, stamps would be cool too, I have to see if I have a font that small, so if you don't want my computer printed number method, get busy finding your numbers...
I will also have the grid, thanks to Christie :).
I think that's it, but I am very tired now, somewhat not all here...
RSVP so I know how much stuff to have for sure...
It'll be fun!
Should I bust out some Christmas tunes?
I want in on the drawing, but I want to make one too....
My favorite Chrismas memory...well, I guess it's more of a tradition. We always have a family Christmas Eve party, and since I was 1 or 2 (I'm the oldest grandchild on my mom's side), Santa has always rung the doorbell, left a sack of presents, and little kids it was a wonder, and as older kids we tried and tried to catch whatever adult was doing it...but we never managed to catch anyone. I love watching my own kids react to that tradition...they never disappoint me. :)
Oh...what are the colors available for the cookie sheet? I will be dropping mine off to you.
ok, I want to make one, I'll call you and let you know when I'm coming by on the 2nd. I even have the perfect paper.
I'll be there! Not sure yet what time, but I'll let ya know! I have a few cookie sheets I would love you to paint...since you already have the stuff. ;) And since I can come, I won't need to be entered into the drawing- I'll leave that for an out-of-towner. Oh, but I would love a lightbulb...or two or three, if you have enough. Thanks, Min!!!
Since I cannot be there to make one with you (I am hoo), I have to enter the drawing!
For Christmas Eve, we take the kids to Olive Garden for dinner. We started this the first year we lived away from family. The kids love it! Afterwards, we go see lights (depending on where we live). We come home, lay out the kids stockings where Santa will leave their things, reenact the Bible Christmas story using our hand puppets, and then call my Dad to read Twas' the Night before Christmas to our kids on the phone (a tradition from my growing up).
Now, can I please win one?????
Hey Min,
I wanna play!! I would love to join in. Can I have one of those cute light bulbs too? I'll also see if I have something to share as well. Hmmm I will really have to pull out my stash. It has been hidden away for a loonngg time. :) Those are super cute and I think my kids will love it!
Cookie sheets can be painted black or white, the only colors I have... Good luck!
Hey Min-I would love to come and make a cookie sheet with you. Is it really an all day thing? Ella has preschool in the morning and after Zack takes a nap it would be 3 before I made it to your house. I am really, really, craft impaired. I need all the help I can get basically. Can I also bring your mom that cookie sheet for you to paint black? And I would also like to reserve a light bulb, if you have any left. Thanks so much and I need your address now.
Mindy, How cute! I want to make a couple. I will bring you some cookie sheets, and also I'd like to reserve a few lightbulbs, if you still have some available. Count me in!
I'm entering but I want to make one too... Christmas Eve... at my nanny and papa's house we would have dinner... and then open gifts someone would always be santa and wear a santa hat and pass out gifts. We all the presents were open we would pile up in someones car and go look at lights. The one family's house always looked like the Griswold's (you know national lampoon's christmas vacation... classic) and we would go down close to my granna and papa's house and there was a tower that had a red blinking light on top. We had to hurry and get home because that was rudolph on his way to our house. We would go back to nanny and papas and gather up our presents and make santa a plate of goodies (not the usual cookies and sweet... it was veggies and dip and some kinda cracker things...) we would go home and get to bed. Me and my brother would wake up and pour out whatever was in our stocking (this would usually be about 2 or 3 in the morning) we would put everything back and go back to bed and wake up again in like 3 hours... my nanny and papa would walk over with their cups of coffee and house robes and my granna came out a little later. Once everything was open, we would clean up everything and get ready to go have Christmas lunch at my granna and papas house with all the uncles, aunts, and cousins (lots of cousins) We would always get underwear and sock from granna and papa. I always asked for boys boxer briefs instead of panties. :) Not to be all sappy... but I miss that so much and wish my kids could have christmas' as good as I had... the end... wow that was a lot... I just love christmas and couldn't pick just one memory... there are a lot more but I figured it would be the size of a post, not a comment... :)
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