Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So here I am, solo for bedtime, again... trying to convince Ash that her shadow, and the shadows of inanimate objects, are NOT out to get her...
All this drama while trying to get homework done and everything else ready for our crazy, not long enough Wednesday...
We had a blast today with our buddy Nathan (or Nat-an, as only Ash can say...). That kid is so stinkin' fun! Always making us laugh. Lynn didn't want to go to Kindergarten, that's how fun he is. It didn't help when mom showed up to drop off her cookie sheets for crafternoon... She really was determined to stay with Grammy here... I got her off, not very happy, but that all changed when she saw her friend Elle...
I didn't want to get my chores done today, playing with Nathan and Ash was far too tempting... we played some wild games of Candyland, and a Grandma W. classic, "find the stick of gum I hid so well" game that Nathan loves to play when he's here... but I eventually got them done... not as much as I should have; Peyton is being the vacuum, I should really clean the floors better...
But hey! I did manage to get groceries done today!

1 comment:

BookwormMom said...

Hey, as long as you have food, all the other chores can wait....

Sometimes you just have to play with your kids instead of doing all the grownup stuff!