Thursday, January 8, 2009

Friends Award..

My sweet friend Ally, gave me this most kind award..
The Friends Award is given to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and to be friends.
The hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.

The award is supposed to be passed onto 8 bloggers... kinda hard, cause I have so many good friends..
Julie- Family Times
Christie- These are the days
Jen- Our Story Day by Day
Em- In Loving Memory
Sarah- The Anderson's
Kaycee- The Dance Five
Tiffany- It Is What It Is
Jenny- my private buddy :)

So family.. I hope you already know that I consider you to be my friends, and charming bloggers :)..


  1. Aw, you shouldn't know I think the same of you.

  2. Oh thank you min min I love it!!

  3. Why thank you! It's not very often a private blogger gets an award! I'm glad you read my makes me feel special:)

  4. Thank you so much! You are so sweet and I truly appreciate your friendship.


thanks for commenting!! i love you too...