Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Sorry if Barbara Streisand is stuck in your head now..
After getting some cute pictures for the Christmas card, I sat down to a fun editing/design session.  I got the card all figured out, and enjoyed the luxury of uploading the files to Costco.
I am a Costco card carrier now. :)
Costco and Sam's..  I feel so spoiled!
While uploading the card file, I figured why not upload some individual shots and update the wall in the living room..  it hasn't been that long ago, but Lagoon in July are the photos currently up.  That seems like a lifetime ago.
It was kind of a hard choice when it came to Peyton, but I knew I wanted Ashley's to be the big one. 

As I was taking out the backs to put the new pictures in the frames, I went through the layers of pictures.
Lagoon in July doesn't seem that long ago after that trip down memory lane..
What sweet memories!  I am so happy that I have them, but am homesick for them all at the same time...


  1. I think I know how you feel. It is so fun to watch them grow, but at the same time, a little sad the "younger" days are gone.

  2. I was hanging pics as well today. We bought a very large, huge really, photo frame with dividers for pics. I was putting baby pics of little D in and feeling "homesick" for my baby boy!

  3. LoVe LoVe LovE all those darling pictures. That one you put together at the top of the page is so CUTE!!


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