Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To the top and to the left there...

You might notice my name repeated an awful lot.
To tell you the truth, I typed it so many times, I began to think I was misspelling it!
But in all seriousness..
I would like to know what you think..  all 2 of you.
Which watermark would be your favorite?
You can let me know if you want..  there are little letters to the side of each watermark.  Don't let the size of the identifying letter throw your decision.  Go with your heart.
I am having trouble deciding.


  1. I am a fan of b., d., and e., However we didn't get to see an example with a photo of b. (or g.) In order would probably be e., then d. then b. But then I'm indecisive too, so after seeing b. with a photo it may change. ;-) HA!

  2. I can't decide between a and d. I like e but it's kinda hard to read your name:)

  3. I like a and d.

    Apparently you have more than 2 readers...they should all comment more often! :)

  4. I love Bleeding Cowboys, so I'll have to go with e....

  5. I really like E but is is hard to see the P. So my next choice is D.

  6. I vote for A and D. I can't decide which I like better.

  7. I like d. Jamie (my SIL) says she likes d. as well.

  8. Well, I like e the best but I can see what others have said about it being harder to read. That said, I'd go with a.


thanks for commenting!! i love you too...