Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meet Alexis…

Sunday, my cousin came up to introduce her new little girl to our Grandpa, and I pretty much told her I was coming too.
I had only heard about this beautiful girl, and couldn’t wait to meet her and take pictures of her (of course).
She is a doll, and the only thing sweeter than her, is her older brother.  He was a sweetheart!
We had fun visiting, snuggling her, and remembering.
At one point, when the hat came off and we were all admiring her hair, her eyes peeped open for just a few seconds, the traditional examination that Grandma would subject all grandbabies and great-grandbabies to, began.  Nothing made Grandma happier than to see the eyes of a newborn baby.  If she couldn’t see the baby in person, a picture would do, but the picture wouldn’t do if that baby’s eyes weren’t open.
Comments came from all around the room that echoed just what Grandma was probably saying.
“Oh, my!  Look at that hair!”
“Look at those fingers…  she’ll be a piano player.”
It was nice to feel her there with us.
(Hard for me not to cry, but good that I had a camera to hide behind.)
It was so sweet to see my Grandpa hold her, admire her and love her.  He was trying as best he could to get her to smile.  I am so thankful that he is here.
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Thanks Bonnie for letting me crash your time at Grandpa’s!
(And I was so good when I came home..  I didn’t even bug Merrill!!)


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