Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mayes Kiddos.

My sister-in-law (but I just like to call her my sister, cause that is how we are..) asked me if I would snap some pictures of my niece and nephews.  They all have birthdays this time of the year, so it is a perfect time for updates!
They are all so cute and fun..  love all of their personalities, it is a good time when we all come together like this.
The good times live on as I edit away and fall in love with them all over again.
abby_01_vintage abby_04_vintage abby_07_b&w abby_08_vintage james_01_b&w_burn james_04_vintage james_09_vivid_burn levi_01_b&w levi_03_vintage levi_04_b&w_burn levi_05_b&w levi_06_vintage mayes_01_vivid_burn mayes_02_b&w mayes_03_vintage
There is a picture, just like this (I swear!!!) of me (I would be in the middle) and my two older brothers..  sweet, isn’t it?

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