Wednesday, October 10, 2012

ashley’s special shoot.

when lynn was preparing to be baptized, we started a couple of traditions.  one was to go out, just me and that almost 8 year-old girl, and buy a special dress. the other was for me to take out the special girl, just she and i, and going to a location of her choice, take some special pictures in that special white dress.

ashley chose the salt lake temple. 

so we made dinner that night (fresh halibut from merrill’s recent trip, that I survived.), and hurried (and by hurried, you have no idea how hurried we were..), to salt lake, trying to get there before the sun set.

we made it.

just in time.

I have to say, I enjoyed that whole drive down and back.  we turned off the music, and talked and talked.  we talked about her upcoming baptism, and what it means.  it was so special to me, to be able to bear my testimony to her, just to her.  we plotted out her whole birthday, from her treat at school, to what she wanted for her birthday dinner, and the cakeS too, of course.  we talked about what she was hoping to unwrap that day,  and she somehow managed to get christmas into that segment of conversation.  I even shared my favorite memories of the day she was born, and more of her when she was younger.

I didn’t want to go back home.  it was such a fun evening.

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  1. That is so sweet! She's gorgeous and what a great tradition. :)

  2. I love these pictures. I have only met miss Ashley by your blog, and she has suddenly grown! It is crazy how fast they change from tiny baby girls to beautiful eight year old girls! Almost grown up! It's crazy! She is beautiful mindy! And what a great tradition that she will remember always.

  3. What a special memory for both of you. I love the pictures!

  4. It feels like yesterday lynn was turning 8 I cant believe how fast time flies! Congrats ash! I am so proud of your decision to be baptized! YOu are such a darling girl!


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