Just got back from the doctor. Thanks Kaitlyn for helping with the kiddies!!!
I hope for his sake, he never "googles" himself...
We talked about optional methods to treat this so we don't have to endure going in everyday for 10 days to have it re-packed, and come to find out, this is the way it is supposed to be done.
Surprise, surprise, Dr. Muse was wrong, AGAIN. He was the one who put the tube in. He was also our first primary care physician who told me that Lynn did indeed have eczema, but didn't need the prescription lotion, another doctor corrected that one. He also told me that the fluoride the girls take, didn't come in any other form than liquid... I inquired about that after they had stained many a pair of PJs with stray fluoride spittle. I later found out, fluoride comes in chew ables, when we got a new doctor. Dr. Muse was also the same doctor who told me that Ashley skin tag, right at the top of her butt crack would go away on it's own... later found out that it would go away, sure... IF IT WERE SURGICALLY REMOVED!!! So he has screwed us more than once. That's why I am not at all surprised to discover that this method of treatment was also, incorrect. Now why did we get a new doctor?
Because he got a promotion. With a record like this, why on earth would he be promoted??? Now lets hope that HE never "googles" himself too... for his own ego's sake of course...
So Doctor Hall did much better today.
We talked about MORE follow-ups, talked about our sucky insurance, talked about the billing, which we shouldn't get anything billed to us for these follow-ups, "If you get more bills, complain, you shouldn't have to pay for anything more than the InstaCare visit."
He took out the packing, more puss on it.
He squeezed out more "sebaceous cyst matter", which looks a lot like cottage cheese (sorry to all those cottage cheese lovers...)
And before he re-packed it, he gave Mer some lidocaine to help with the pain, and had a much more talkative personality, asking and answering many questions, with confidence mind you...
He was still so impressed with my bandaging job, on Tuesday, that he offered to send me home with the stuff to re-pack Mer's wound. I couldn't do it, it hurts him too much. He also asked if I wanted to clean out the gunk that was still left in Mer's pit.. "I have been thinking about how well you bandaged his arm the other day. I am so impressed!" And when all was done, he just needed to be bandaged up, he asked me if I would do it. He needed to get more tape. He sent the nurse in with the tape, and she asked me how to do it...
Mer went back to work, which speaks volumes...
He knows that we won't be back tomorrow. We are supposed to go in Saturday, if not then, then Sunday, and he wants to see Mer Monday for sure.
So we'll see how well he does tonight. Our lives are pretty boring. We are stuck at home during the day, and don't do anything as a family at night with the way he's been feeling... I need to infuse some excitement.
Peyton sure is... every night since Monday, she has been waking at 3 am-ish... how on earth does my baby who has been sleeping through the night for months now, wake in the middle of the night to eat? She is really throwing me for one. Never quite satisfied with anything, quite moody, isn't taking good naps, acts like she's still hungry, but won't eat like she is hungry when I try to give her something else. I hope it's just teeth.
I am a mother of 3, so how is it that I can't figure this out so I can get back to my easy-going life?
My offer to pack it for you still stands. And, having been the victim of having my own cyst packed, I know how to be gentle.
Yuck, looks painful. I actually had a cyst burst two days ago, but it was on my ovary, wanted to die!! I can only imagine the pain to have one packed! By the way, I know when my kids were acting pissy and waking up in the night the issue was always, ears!! Both of my kids have the worst ears in the world and between tubes being put in and tonsils taken out, I think I am a pro with ear infections, maybe check her for that!
I feel for you. I have also had one of those weeks. I have had my youngest into an insta care, the ER, the doctors twice and she had a renal ultrasound today, all because of a UTI that doesn't seem to be getting better and so she had a fever of nearly 105 for five straight days. And my son has had some health stuff going on, also. I'm with you in hoping that life goes back to normal soon. I wish you the best.
Sorry life is so crazy! Hang in there! At least you have lots of good people around to help you out:)
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