Sunday, July 20, 2008

Just venting...

Here's your warning:
I am just venting... there are no intended bulls eyes... I am not flinging my words in any certain direction... I am not talking about YOU... I do not intend to hurt feelings... I am not looking for solutions... I am not seeking help... I am not trying to be "Debbie Downer"... This is just how life is right now, I am usually positive, but I just don't feel like being Pollyanna today... I am just venting! So if you don't like it... wait till I update later.
The stress of today actually began long ago. Sunday's are no longer the relaxing, "put all of your cares aside day" like they used to be. Primary is always changing. It would help if they would stop taking away people who like to be in primary, who the kids love... but it changes. It would also be helpful if the people who are called to serve in primary, would simply do what they were called to do, or did what they say they would do.
Yesterday: I find out that teachers will be gone.
Today: I find out that more people were gone with little or no notice. It's great to come to primary and some pretty key players aren't there. Not to mention that the list of names I submitted for callings, A MONTH AGO... still hasn't been dealt with completely. Or that names on said list are no longer available, even though they were once told they could be "mine".
They are also very stealthily trying to take Merrill away from me, like we don't talk?
He's freaked out about that, change... Oh, and after the doctor's appointment yesterday, where THE BEST DOCTOR, DR. CARDON... gave us more information in 3 minutes than we had gotten in one week!!! He told us that the little cyst, needs to be surgically removed... cha-ching$!$
Then I have a music leader who isn't teaching the required songs for the program but then goes on to be huffy when sharing time eats into her music time... they are songs that the kids have sung for x number of years... this is just a review of all those years plus the last 3 weeks. 5 minutes of singing time is not a big deal. I don't think I hid my annoyance very well... Christie heard it in my voice, and I cannot hide my feelings well in my facial expressions... Julie both saw and heard... I hope I got my point across, "You aren't teaching any new songs... these are the same songs from the past few weeks... it's just a review... five minutes will be okay, they are wrapping-up sharing time." She left right after music time in Junior Primary... like she regularly stays for sacrament meeting... and she's supposed to be teaching the kids the gospel in song? But she doesn't stay for the most vital meeting in the Sunday block? Yah.
So then I visit with the counselor over us... that's where I find out that close to nothing has been done, and the names that were once mine, aren't mine any more, apparently there is something much better out there for them than serving in the Primary. Yada yada yada... I zoned out, I couldn't take anymore bad news...
Let me just tie my own noose now...
Mer was in pain, so we stayed to take the sacrament and then go home to medicate, and vent... To only have Julie chasing me down the hall... "Look at this!" The program has the Primary children down to sing a medley of songs... Ummmmm.... we have no chorister (remember, she went home), not to mention nobody told me about this... I would later find out that it was a "select group of children" who were prepared, and they just worded it wrong, well, maybe not wrong, but not in the best, most clear way...
So here I am, half dreading the week ahead...
Everything continues to pile on up, and I am bugged...
This is all I can recollect at the moment, and what I can say politely...
So there ya go.
Did I mention we are thinking of moving?


Ally0005 said...

I stopped venting about my husband job situation on my blog because I got judged by a so called friend.
We all need to vent, vent away.

Randee Mayes said...

I agree, it sounds like things are tough. Sometimes venting is the only you feel like you can do, so keep on venting. (ps I really can help with whatever you need)

Rachael said...

Dang! That sucks, at least you know that Christie, Jen, and Julie have your back.

Six-Pack Momma said...

(((((( HUGS )))))))

Sorry if I contributed to any of it. I'm hopin' Merrill gets feeling etter so you can get away for a couple days.... at the very least....maybe we could go T.P.-ing....he he!

Ashley and Devan said...

Yikes! Sounds a little messy over in the highlands ward. Can I just tell you though how lucky you are to be in that ward! I HATE my new ward.. I kind of have a bad attitude about it I guess. How about I come back and you can call me to any primary calling you want and I'll come each week and do my job. I hope things get better : )

Jenny said...

I miss being in "your" primary too....keep your head do an amazing job! Come visit our will think yours is cake:) Luckily, I just sit behind the piano and bite my tongue. You were way too good of an example of how a primary should I can't find anyone to measure up.

Tiffany Nash said...

I could never do your job! Best of luck with that. Venting is good it prevents us from blowing up!

BookwormMom said...

I'm sorry that I added to your load yesterday...I knew it would be a huge inconvenience, but I couldn't get around it.