Wednesday, March 6, 2013

not a pity party.

just a list of excuses for why I am behind two days. :/

merrill has a bad sinus infection, and by “bad” I mean horrendous. 

he started feeling it the end of last week, and by saturday, he was ready to go to the doctor. (!!!!!)  really.  this guy, asking to go to the doctor?  it MUST be bad.

too bad for him, the instacare had closed, he got to wait until the next morning.

two antibiotics, a prescription for loritab in hand, the kid was still struggling.

we have tried EVERYTHING.  by everything I mean EVERYTHING..  well, except for this one drink I found on pinterest.  we are not brave enough to try that.

(for the curious:  water, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, honey, and lemon.  in my experience, ingesting apple cider vinegar ends in vomit.)

we have tried just about every decongestant, steam, oils, reflexology, moist+heated washcloths, then graduated to a rice bag that we have been spritzing and heating.  the loritab didn’t help.  we have already gone through a bottle of advil.  neither of us have gotten a full night of sleep since…  thursday?

it’s awesome.

I really can’t stand to see him so sick.

but, I have accomplished a few things, and as time (and my new nursing schedule permit) I will post all of my accomplishments and fun finds.

for now, here’s two layouts brought to you by the goodness at AC Digitals.

first up is new product, “Dear Lizzy Spring”.

(you can get it on sale this week!)


other goodies on this page:

stitching- anna aspnes
frame- liv.edesigns
photo corner- splendid fiins
background paper- amy tangerine “ready set go”


this loveliness is from crate paper “fourteen”.


I had to laugh at myself while saving off this layout.  I have a lot (A LOT) of layouts titled “sisters”.

that’s what I get for having 3 girls.

also used on this page:

stitching- anna aspnes

buttons- crystal wilkerson

paint brush and brown paper for the letters- liv.edesigns

font- “burvetica thick nc”


Bits and Pieces of Me...Emily! said...

I am sorry your man is sick and miserable! I hope he gets feeling better soon. As always, your layouts are adorable, and put my non-existent ones too shame! I really need to start mine up again. :)

Tiffany said...

Sorry Merrill is sick, that sucks for everyone! For the record I have used a receipe like what you mentioned when I get a clogged sinus. It works.... but it's nasty going down. I also use a netty pot when I'm pregnant and can't use any good drugs. Don't know if you've tried that but those work well too.

mandi said...

I've tried something similar to the recipe as well, but I think it was more for cough? Can't really remember. Also, the netty pot works but it says not to use it if you're ears hurt or feel affected at all. It stinks to be sick and I think it stinks even more to have the hubs be sick.

Your pages rock. Really.