Tuesday, August 5, 2008


...pilot holes that is...
The deck is nearly complete! I can hardly wait...
To help the process move along a little faster, I drilled some pilot holes to help the fastening go quicker, and less cures-filled.
I drilled at least 439... those are how many need to be filled with screws now.
I ask myself, was this worth it? Spending my day, drilling so many pilot holes?
I answer myself, yes... one afternoon spent drilling pilot holes equals one evening with a drastically less swear count coming from Merrill's mouth.
I did have to sacrifice reading/treadmill time.. Breaking Dawn, here I come...
I got an accessory that I have wanted ever since I saw Open Range... or was is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Robert's... 50% off one item coupon. Stacy and I had a fun girls day out yesterday.
By the way.. Cricut packages are on sale there... $139.99... guess what I have been seriously considering...
And last but not least... proof that my girls do have some of my DNA: they love these...
Merrill hates cinnamon, but we girls sure love these yummy treats!
And Merrill has a surprise for me when he gets home?!
It's a good day...


Ally0005 said...

What kind of store is Roberts?

Mindy said...

craft, scrapbook, art supply... pretty much everything but fabric... home decor too.