This is my HOF submission confirmation.... eeekkk!
Please forgive the un-kept state of my toenails (little Hannah, where are you?), and the dryness of my skin, but these are my swollen ankles. They are not bad, but since they have only been swollen three times this whole pregnancy... this is the worst I've seen them this time around... I can leave an impression in them...
I think that maybe, just maybe, my body has subconciously been holding back until I submitted my entry... so maybe, just maybe, tonight? Tomorrow?
Even as we speak, I am making me some Broccoli and Cheese soup, with rolls... yum... I have wanted soup, and Milk Duds, all day long. I got home from correlation this afternoon, to scour the cupboard, trying to find something chocolate. The Milk Duds got slipped into my church bag...
The birthday party was so fun tonight! Cade and Evan... how cute. To think that next year, there will be a 3, 2, and 1 year old!!! Bet everyone is excited for their budgets that month! I heard for the third time today, about walking with one foot on a curb and one foot on the ground, how it's supposed to put you into labor... I tried it. My in-laws have one long step to go into the music room, like 10+ feet long... I went back and forth, countless times. I did have one great big long Braxton Hicks, and my niece and daughter laughing at me... I almost went and jumped on the trampoline (indoors, no snow on it), but I thought about how I pull muscles just rolling over in bed, and thought it not a wise idea.
I have plans, emphasis on the s in that word, for tomorrow, just stuff that needs to get done... we'll see how well the opposite thing works out...
P.S. I haven't had to take one antacid today.... weird...
Gotta love those Kankles! You are almost there.....I check your blog faithfully every morning to see if you posted the night before or if you have gone to the hospital! Hang in there!
I still think your ankles look great. And for the walking on the curb thing....I'm with ya! Someone told me that and we went for a 2 mile walk like that...boy, I must have looked pretty dumb. But it did nothing! Congrats on the Hall of Fame! That is awesome! Now you are officially ready to have that little baby!
not to wish more days on you but maybe you will have her on the 11th or the 15th. that way you won't have to make any cards ;)! here's wishing good days 'til then!
I don't want you to think that if you deliver on the 14th that you have to make all 3 of us cards. You don't have to make them for me... I don't want you to have to worry about that with a new baby. You know I'm not a card person anyway! :) I'm with summer... maybe it will be the 11th or 15th...
I'm HOPING you and Merrill go out on Valentines day have a nice romantic dinner and then you go into labor with a full tummy! Because thats the only way to go, especially because those mean nurses don't let you eat anything while your in labor or even right after. GRRR...
Love, Rach
So I must admit that I check your blog daily to see if it has happened. You have yet to post tonight.. does this mean something? Hopefully you are either getting a really good nights sleep or you are in labor!
So I posted late (I know Jen... get my rest...) But Lynn would not go to sleep! She is WAY TOO excited about pre-school tomorrow...
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