Saturday, September 6, 2008

My kids say some funny things...

The girls have been cracking us up, as always.
When we were watching Evan when Brooke had her last appointment, Lynn woke up and asked what was going on. I explained to her that Brooke and Austin had a doctor's appointment, they were hopefully going to find out if they were having a girl, or another boy. Lynn said, "I think they are going to have a sister, just like we had Pey... but I think it would be fun to have a brother. Do you know what kind of brother I would like to have?... a Jonas Brother!!!"
(Thanks Jaclyn and Sophie for that party favor, by the way... she's now Jonas Brother crazy...)
Ashley now picks what she wears by it's "rock star-ness". She'll tell me that she wants to wear a particular shirt because it looks like the kind of shirt a rock star would wear. She'll then tell me, "Mom, I need to wear this shirt, because I'm a rock star."
While in the car yesterday, Ashley said that she was going to still be a rock star when she gets old. Lynn said that she wanted to be a stay at home mom, "Just like you are, huh mom?"
The other day, I spanked Ash (and I've been trying not to...). She cried about it for quite a while. After most of her tears and sniffles were over, she came to me to tell me something she thought was very important...
"When I get to be big and be a mom just like you, I'm not gonna spank my kids' butts... I'm gonna be a nice mom."
I told her to be sure to call me when she ends up spanking her kids' butts because they won't listen, just like she doesn't listen to me.
And while we're on the subject of butts...
While at a new park last weekend, Ash had to use the restroom. I held the door shut while she went, (it was a classy joint, no latches to shut the doors, no toilet paper either...) and then thought I had better go while we were there. As I sat down, Ash remarked, "Whoa! You have a big butt! When I'm a mom like you, will my butt grow that big too?"
She makes me feel so good about myself. ;)


Ally0005 said...

Your girls are so funny.
Oh the Jonas Brother, they are big in my house!

Six-Pack Momma said...

I have scarred my kids by a frightening view one too many times.

Bonnie said...

LOL so cute! That was a fun giggle! Speaking of good genes, you must have gotten ALL the homemaking/crafting genes from Gma Maxine...I try not to be too envious! :)

Annie said...

So funny... Sometimes, I think we have kids, just so we can be laughing all of the time.