"You hear of 50/50 marriages.. make your a 100/100 marriage. That way, you both give all you can all the time, and when someone just can't quite make up their part, the other partner is still giving their 100, and you can make it."
See, awesome advice.
This has worked for us. When he's sick, I can fill in. When I am sick, or crazy busy, like I get a lot, he is there, doing what needs to be done.
This week is a 100% week for us..
The hotel is set to open next week. It's crazy busy, for both of us.
I have been down there every day this week. Either helping him with shipping (because he is still Warehouse manager..) or at the hotel.. me and my "cronies" (as Merrill calls us..) can make a king bed, to Best Western standards (mattress pad, fitted sheet, flat sheet with hospital corners, duvet, duvet cover, runner and four pillows; all placed per Best Western standards) in three minutes flat.. we are pretty awesome!
I do have awesome cronies.. ahem.. I mean friends :) We do have too much fun...
In all of this craziness, I don't mind it at all. I enjoy helping my husband.. increasing the love, teaching our kids what's important.
I have also learned that when you eat crap for three days, you feel like crap. McDonald's 3 days in a row.. bleh!!! How did that "Super Size Me" guy do it as long as he did?!
We all need foot soaks at the end of the day.. very long days..
What busy lives you have! Under all the business, there is the excitement for the hotel still I'm sure. Very cool advice by the way!
Sorry you're so busy! Can't wait to see the new hotel! Personally I love McDonald's... maybe that is why I feel like crap!
I think it's so amazing that you are such an amazing wife! I bet your honey sure appreciates all the help you are to him! I would love to be able to make my bed that fast! Oh wait, I don't make my bed anymore!
That's pretty awesome that it's opening soon. Good luck
SOOOOO Sorry I couldn't help you yesterday!!!!
Congrats on opening the hotel. Where is it going to be located? I love keeping updated on your life. Also your parents are a great example of a 100/100 marriage.
Good times, I say!
Mouth of Weber Canyon.. right where I-84 and highway 89 meet.. super nice!
Cute cronies!!! hahaha
ashley is so funny, checkin' herself out... i don't blame her! she's a girl!!!
I like the 100% advice. I will have to remember to teach that to my children and use it in my own marriage now.
I hope those feet aren't your MIndy. Cause thems are some hairy legs! I also like how you three have different shades of dark on. Heather Gray, Dark gray and Black.
Oh... and if I was a cute as Ashley is, I would be checkin' myself out in the mirror two! You could tell her to practice "blue steel" and "Blue Magnum!"
I toured it the other day while I was there, and it looks AWESOME! Can't wait to go stay! One more thing...I sincerely hope those are Merrill's legs in the foot bath and not Ashleys...if not, she's got quite the hairy legs! :-D
That's great advice, too. I'll definitely have to use the 100/100 idea when I get married...you know...in like 50 years or so...
miss you.....if you need some help just email me k :P I am doing nothing for 2 weeks!!
Sounds like you guys are real busy, unfortunately I know exactly how you feel, with being busy! But it will be worth it in the end!
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