Monday, November 16, 2009

No coincidence..

Today wasn't different from any other Sunday..
Okay, other than the fact that Merrill had sharing time today, I had a lesson, and we had to get to church a little early.  That fact, paired with the previous day's storm, made this Sabbath that much more exciting than the norm.
We were all ready to go, right on time for my taste, all loading in the car, I was the last one out, so I shut the door.
But we didn't have the keys.
I assumed that Merrill had grabbed them as he was the one who exited the house first, and was loading up the girls.
I had the diaper bag, my books, and a metal tote (I teach women, I have to have visual aids..) so needless to say, I was hoping he'd grabbed them right along with my assumption that he had.
He didn't..  obviously. 

What were we to do? 
We were just on time, not much time was left for walking, especially in the ice and snow.
Especially not with all the things we both were carrying for our assignments.
Not with three emotional little girls who would have made it the most pleasant walk EVER.
Merrill was ready to walk.  My mind was worrying about the whining and what we would do AFTER church.
He had a solution, but asked me if we really didn't have an extra key hidden anywhere.
(We learned that lesson at the old house...)
Kicking myself, and trying to come up with an explanation of why I hadn't taken care of that task with one of the SEVEN keys they left us, I realized...
There were some in the bag I happened to make the diaper bag that day.
I had put them there WEEKS ago, for no reason I can explain.
It was a "just in case" moment.
A prompting.
We were blessed today.
Big or small, there are no coincidences.
We got to church in time to set up what we needed to, able to relax and gather thoughts, prepare..
All because I did something that made no sense at the time.


Emalee said...

Oh how nice. The only time we got locked out was when meli was just little we had just a day. I took her outside. Kyle had just got home and he came out and shut the back door. We had no keys no phones, no nothing.....We ended up breaking the basement window.....Its still broken.

Six-Pack Momma said...

Way to listen. And thanks for the reminder. ;)

Ally's Corner said...

Oh you may not think that made any sense at the time but the Heavenly Father knew.

Love that!!


Annie said...

I love when things like that happen:)

Bonnie said...

That is really cool. I love how you wrote it too. You have a way with words. I hope I can listen to the spirit as well!