Thursday, January 31, 2008
Jaclyn, Brooke, and I , went shopping today. I wanted to get some things taken care of before the big moment arrives. I went to Sam's early, to get some pics for my two... no three, remianing HOF projects printed off. I get there only to discover that I wasn't thinking things all the way through, the pictures weren't on the disc that I had, they were still at home, on my computer, waiting for me to load them on my memory card... see, good luck at getting this HOF entry done... I wanted to go to JoAnn's too, but another airhead act, I forgot my list... last thing you want to do is send me into JoAnn's, list-less... that just equals massive dollar amounts. And I didn't get Peyton's blessing dress found... I really didn't even begin the hunt.
So on to the successful part of the day...
Around noon, we left for Gateway. Mission: find two pairs of jeans... 1. post-partum jeans. Some that I can wear immediately, or at least until the left-over belly is gone, you know, the belly that makes you still look like you are seven months along??? The other pair, motivational jeans. I was on the hunt for the most perfect, favorite jeans I have ever owned... size 8, dark wash, curvy, perfect fit. They were $79.50, I know, but worth every red cent. My original pair got holes in the knees, of course, and then one in the crotch when we were laying the new floors. It was a sad day at our home... especially for Mer, he liked the "rear view"...
So the outcome: I found lots of jeans that I liked. I had Brooke and Jaclyn try all of them on to show me how they looked, (there was lots of giggling going on in that dressing room..) and then bought them in the appropriate sizes. I was so happy to find the "perfect" pair, again. I would have bought two a year ago, but they only had one... And I even found a cute top to boot. But things get even better (sorry Chrisite)... my blessing for the day, which may seem dumb, but it really is a blessing, I was able to find these "perfect" jeans. These size 8 motivational jeans... and the betterness (my own new word, copyrighted by me... right now...) continues... as the sales girl was ringing-up my purchases, I noticed that a pair of the jeans rang up at $24.97. I asked her which ones rang up at that price... it was my favorite jeans, my "perfect" jeans. Apparently, they are getting rid of all of them because they were last year's style. I went to look for another pair, no more, in any size... I feel blessed. I even got them less than that, I used my birthday coupon! AND I got a customer service survey, which I get 15% off my next purchase, awesome. Now, to fit into them...
Brooke and Jaclyn got me a pair for my birthday gift! Love it! We had fun, but didn't get to spend nearly as much time together as we wanted to... (we'll see you next time Heartland Paper Co.) responsibility came knocking. A couple of hours was all that we really needed. Thanks girls!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Ben & Jerry's = Double Chin
So after ANOTHER night of little sleep, this time it was more heartburn than pains, I was tired today. I had heartburn so bad! Nothing was helping, even my two antacids! I just prayed to be able to get comfortable so I could get some rest. I kept having this prompting to go eat a brownie and drink a glass of milk. I thought, yeah right, like a brownie and ice cold glass of milk will help? But after an hour of discomfort, coughing fits, and nearly throwing-up twice, I thought that this must be my answer... it was. See, even the things that seem the dumbest to us are still important to Heavenly Father. Don't question the answer, no matter how crazy or non-sense-like it may seem. A CHOCOLATE BROWNIE and ICE COLD glass of milk, helped. I slept well until Ash woke up, being crazy... she said it was a bad dream. Something about Michael Meyers and Sophie coming here and she was alone??? She's a nut...
I am:
2 1/2 cm
75% effaced
AND... negative for strep! WoO HOo! No penicillin drips!!!
She is:
dropped more (I knew it! There's no mistaking the feeling of a head moving in that region...)
7 1/2 pounds
and dang chubby... and cute too...
Doc says she won't be waiting until the 22nd... maybe Valentine's???
Any other bets?
This is all after a two hour wait to see him today... those other pregnant women... the nerve, having their babies when I need this information!!!
So here is the over-share of the day, but if I am going to blog like it is my journal, then I should pretend like I am really the only one reading... ANYWAY... I am losing my mucus plug... Mer got all grossed out when I told him, but to me, it is exciting!
Jaclyn got me moving last night... I got out all of my picture CDs for 2007, loaded them onto my computer one at a time, copied only the pics I needed to scrap, and burned a whole disc for scrap projects... now I need to get 2006 together, and figure out what I've already scrapped...
Here's the layout, the album is almost complete...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
How many more days till February 11th?
Monday, January 28, 2008
I'm almost out of antacid...
- sheets washed (will my water break tonight now?)
- taxes figured, all ready to send-off!
- the toy room cleaned-out, again
...not to mention all of the other day to day stuff...
I took this pic of Ash last night... she said that she was going to be a "cooker". I love how she thinks that the shower cap is a hair net.
Mer came home from work just a little late tonight. He was helping his Grandma. I know, what a sweet guy. The sad thing, his uncle, who is staying with her, seems to be completely helpless. Merrill and his brother helped him get un-stuck today too. Mer said that he really wasn't "stuck", he just didn't dare back down the driveway... I think he's just lazy. I could go on and on, complain a lot about him, but then I realize, Mer doesn't. There are a few comments here and there. But, for the most part, no complaints, just sympathy for poor Grandma. I am so blessed to have a good husband, who is generous and helpful. Love him! Reminds me of some brothers I have...
Oh, and I am almost out of antacid. I have enough left for 41 and 1/2 days... ever since the empty bottle on a Sunday night/apple cider vinegar incident occurred, I keep close tabs on my antacid situation. Do you think it will last? Will she come before I need more? She'd better. Hopefully, like with the past two, this nearly 9 month bout of heartburn will end with the delivery of a healthy little baby girl...
"We Thank Thee Oh God, for a Prophet..."
As the news traveled fast around these parts last night, I've been thinking of some of my favorite memories of our dear Prophet... there are so many! He has been the Prophet since I was 15! He was such an influence during my youth, and I loved him. When he spoke, I listened. I loved that he had such a sense of humor! I remember laughing quite a bit during General Conferences and a lot of times having a fit of the giggles later, as I thought about what he did or about what he had said. He shared his testimony far and wide, and everyone loved him for that. I am thankful for the knowledge of a great plan, to know that he is with his dear wife again, that he has been welcomed home after a mission well served. I've heard rumors traveling, that junior high and high school aged kids, both members of the church and not, have been sending texts since last night, passing on a message. Either they are dressing in white for school today, or dressing in their "Sunday best", to show respect for this dear man. I think that speaks volumes...
I wanted to post a favorite quote, but there isn't room for all of them!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Carmel, part two...
I slept really well last night. Maybe it was the carmel, maybe it wasn't... everyone else seems to enjoy the carmel too! Especially Lynn. She told Mer that the carmel was "so damn good". He had to help her find a better emphasis word... So back to sleeping... Of course I was up, who knows how often, changing position when something began to ache or fall asleep, or for an inevitable bathroom trip... but it didn't take me as long to fall back asleep.
I did have a really weird dream. I dreamt that one of the Primary teachers, and a girl who I knew as a teenager, were walking around together at a dance competition for Mer's sisters. They were walking and talking, and every so often, they would stop, and throw up! So random! Fast forward... At 8:30 am, the phone rings. I get it, it is this same teacher, calling to tell me that she has the stomach flu and won't be there to teach her class today. Is that weird or what?!?
My sharing time went good today. The Junior Primary had fun with it, both sharing times were about the creation.
Ashley takes things so literally. I gave all the kids a picture of something resembling a part of the creation, stars, flowers, different animals, etc. I told them to listen as I read the account from Genesis, and if I said something that sounded like what was in their picture, to stand up. We did this for each day of the creation. So as I read about seeds, plants, trees, and fruit, Ash stood up. She had the picture of fish. I told her that we weren't quite there yet. She pointed out to me that there was "grass", seaweed, in the picture too. I was amazed... my three year old is so smart...
Sacrament meeting was great! The activity day girls, ages 8-12, sang "I am a Child of God". They did so good! When they got to the chorus, I could hear other little voices in the congregation singing along. So sweet! How could I not cry? I do cry about everything anyway, now add in pregnancy and the voices of little children sweetly singing... I'm so sappy...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I am going to make carmel...
Friday, January 25, 2008
This is ridiculous...
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tag.... you're it now...
So here's the tag that I've been thinking about for a while, especially early this morning... I think that Amoxicillin makes some kids (Ash) hyper...
I've been tagged by Rachael
A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 Years Ago: The plan, already set, was in motion.... I wasn't quite engaged to #1 yet... even though I knew we weren't supposed to be together anyway. Things were happening, Merrill and I were being moved closer together. This year makes 10 that we will have been together, 8 of those 10, married...
5 Things On My To Do List Today: 1. Take a shower (pee-you!) 2. Wash Ashley's sheets (thank heavens her ear didn't rupture...) 3. Talk to Christie, for a long time... it's been a while... (love ya Christie!) 4. Get my layout for the day done 5. Respond to this tag
Snacks I enjoy: Ummmm... anything involving sugar or chocolate, or both :) most days, if it's edible, I like it...
What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire? Buy a bigger vehicle, save... oh, and make Mer go shopping for new work shoes and pants.
3 Of My Bad Habits: 1. I am impatient with people, when they should know better. 2. I have some OCD tendencies... 3. I don't switch the laundry as soon as I should.
5 places I have lived: 1. Roy 2. Washington Terrace 3. South Ogden (That's really it... well, Heaven too, a long time ago... it is true...)
5 Jobs that I have had: 1. Arby's (now are you thinkin' Arby's?) 2. Matrix (now known as Convergy's) 3. Smith's (checker/bagger) 4. Substitute Teacher (Junior High was the funnest!) 5. Sears (intimate apparel, yeah, guys were real fun to help... "Can you try that on for me?")
Things people don't know about me: I really don't like clowns. I get this sick sense of satisfaction when I successfully pop a zit... my favorites are on Mer's back. (I know, ewww...) I never flew on an airplane until I was 18. I never went anywhere west of Utah until I was married. I had never been out of the country until I was married. I had never seen/touched the ocean until I was married... there were other "firsts" on my honeymoon too;)...
I tag:
Jaclyn (do this one before February 2008...)
Snow Removal 101
So this was too cute...
I was working away at my layout for the day, when Mer calls, "What are the girls doing?"
"Playing Barbies."
"Have them go look out the front window."
Lynn acted really put-out. Then they saw him... they love watching him from their "perch". They love watching for guests to arrive from there too. Funny that's the first pic I've gotten from that vantage point...
We got one of those "friendly letters" from our postal carrier... we know, our mailbox has like ten feet of snow, packed in front it. We won't get mail unless....
So here's my sweet husband, doesn't he look hot operating heavy machinery? One of the many perks to the projects his dad is pursuing, we have a backhoe. A shovel would have taken him well into the spring to get that mess cleared... okay, maybe not that long... Mer doesn't mind driving it up the hill, in all the traffic. He made quick work of our little obstruction.
The irony of the whole situation, the mailman had just passed our house abut five minutes before he did this! I guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see what kind of Doctor bills are waiting for us!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
There's a first time for everything...
It started out well enough. I woke up with a sore throat, Ashley woke up flat-out grouchy. I ended-up having one of those "once a trimester" hormonal days... it was great... I even had to cancel on Brooke for my "Ice Cream" photo shoot... you'll see that later, I hope...
I tried to get some house cleaning done. I didn't get very far. Ashley came to me inconsolable. When I finally got her calmed-down enough to speak, she told me that her ear hurt. Great. We have never had an ear-infection. NEVER. See, there is a first time for everything. So I made a doctor's appointment for later in the afternoon, the first I could get. Good thing, no instacare; guaranteed to see a doctor I liked, and less $$$. The Tylenol helped until that time...
We got there, and I love that he always asks (the whole three times we've seen him in almost two years...), if we've ever met before. He always comments how lucky I am that we don't have sick kids. So he starts in with the questions. He teased Ash and asked her if she might have put a kernel in her ear... that got a giggle. He started to ask me more questions I answer them, things about cold symptoms, her breathing, etc. He asks if I am a nurse. He says that I sure talk to him like one! Long story short, everything is fine with her, except for the infection. I got to see it too. He was even more amazed that we've never had an infection. He said that her ear was ready to rupture... see, even better. She hasn't acted the least bit uncomfortable until today. She even slept through the night.
My blessing for the day:
Jaclyn brought me whoopie pies. She didn't even know what I was going through, and she made some and brought them to me! I love it! I am so thankful when people do nice things for what they think is no reason... it totally made my day! Thank Jacks!
I've been tagged again... watch for it... maybe tomorrow... thanks Rach...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
One for me... And one for you...
I did one Peyton's album... and one for our family album... just in case I forget how I found out... We spent the day at mom's. Betty gave all the grand kids TY Teddies, and mom made the girls some Valentine pants. Aren't they cute! (Sorry, Jaclyn, if you wanted your girls to remain anonymous... gg)
We went out to Roberts too. You practically have to while you are out that way. I found some fun stuff and re-filled my dwindling page protector stash. 50 more, woo-hoo!
Saw poor ol' gimpy Kevin... he also has something wrong with his kidney, apparently, while we all urinate in the yellowish color range, he does in the bloodish color range. I also learned that instead of sledding, he was SNOWBOARDING. This was at Rhomer Park. I know, a little too adventurous and not all the lights are on all the time... at least he's still alive! I guess that would be my blessing for the day! That and we had fun at mom's. Jaclyn, Hallie, and I got to have some quality girl time too!
Monday, January 21, 2008
We both got up soon after that. There's nothing like getting up to get a nursing pad, when you're not yet nursing. We were up at 6:15 am, watching PBS kids. I doze.
For breakfast, I have a BIG piece of my birthday cake, and BIG glass of milk... there's some nutrition in there! Not as good as my oatmeal, fruit, and juice...
Today was a relaxed day. We were supposed to go out to mom's for a "Grandma Day", but since it was snowing since a little before 10 last night, we didn't go out. We watched "Monster's Inc."
Not much else happened... it just snowed. Well, besides Kevin.
Now let me back up... yesterday, when mom & dad came, they told us that Kevin (younger bro.) went sledding with the youth in his ward, Randee is the Young Women's Secretary. He, apparently, went a little crazy, the Mayes boy that he is, the breed is a little too adventurous, and crashed, pretty good. So he hasn't been able to move much, he has been in a lot of pain. He decided to go to the doctors today. They sent him to the hospital to have x-rays and an ultrasound... and then to come back... The results:
- 4 broken ribs
- broken right scapula (shoulder blade)
- compressed vertebrae
- a partially collapsed lung...
That's my brother... well, one of them anyway...
So here's one reason why I am having dejavu:
And here's another reason:
Ash comes to me, while I am hanging-up snow clothes to dry (this is after I hear a "pop"). She says she needs me to help her wash her hands. Knowing that something bloggable has occurred, I get my camera and have her lead me to the scene of the crime...
Here is the victim... poor innocent dime...
She tried to "rest it" behind the nightlight. It is having a nice rest now...
A similar thing occurred when I was small. It was Joe, another crazy brother, me, our Santa lamp, and a paperclip. That story ended similarly. The only differences, I didn't get black fingers, Joe did, and the Santa lamp never worked again. My nightlight still does. Ashley has vowed to never touch it again... we'll see.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Oh, what a night... and a day!
Last night, Ashley and this cough, and her asthma... I tried giving her a bath, the cough kept on. I tried a breathing treatment, the cough kept on. I gave her the Vicks on the feet and the Mucinex, to help thin her mucus, the cough kept on. We were reading the B.O.M., the really exciting story for the kids about the Liahona and when Nephi breaks his bow, and she started coughing... and then throws up. I realize now, because it was bright red, it was probably the "fun" strawberry daiquiris I made to have for pizza night, beverages other than water, tend to gunk her up... After we got it all cleaned up, and finished reading, Merrill said he'd take her outside to see if the cold air would help. He looked so cute! He threw on his quilted jacket, my fuzzy blue slippers, his work gloves, and my green beanie... see, cute! He sat out there with her all bundled-up for about fifteen minutes, she was still coughing, and wide awake. So we had another night, no "Snow White", and all night movie marathons involved. Just quite a few nocturnal visits from Ashley. She even woke me up this morning a little after eight. We've been trying to keep her awake all evening...
So needless to say, I was tired today.
Merrill stayed home from church with them. Lynn's cough isn't so bad, but I don't need anyone looking at me. Ashley's, like I said, is more just an irritant to her little body, nothing really sickly, but then again, the way it sounds... I got home from Sacrament meeting to find them all cozied up downstairs watching "To Kill a Mocking Bird". Mer said the girls enjoyed it, until it comes to the trial, then they lost all interest. Lynn is now running around with an empty granola bar box that she filled with random items in it like "Jem". It's so cute!
I had a good birthday too! I got some fun stuff! I am so thankful for family and friends who love me so much! Thanks guys!!!
Mom and Dad came over with a cake for me. I have wanted Mom's chocolate layer cake ever since Jaclyn made them in cupcake form and posted them on her blog. It ended up being a cake in a big bowl. (Transporting it is difficult.) lOveD it!
It's so funny, the "perfect gift" she said she'd found... She told me when she bought it the week before Christmas, that it was "the perfect gift". She had to get it then, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to find it later. A couple of weeks before that, I bought her "the perfect gift" for Christmas... She opened her gift on Christmas and loved it, cried of course. It was a "Willow Tree" statue, "Generations". It is a Mother, Daughter, and Grand Daughter, looking at a quilt together; perfect. Our family quilts. It was Grandma, Mom, and me. Now it's, Mom, me, and my girls. Someday I hope it to be me, my girls, and my grand daughters... see, perfect. Not to mention that the quilts get handed-down too...
So tonight, I open my gift... It's a "Generations" statue. Funny... love it! I had just imagined that the statue would be passed-down to me too! Now I have one of my own!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I LOVE my Merrill!!!
I didn't scrapbook the whole time... you know there had to be some "yip-yapping", lots of eating, and a little scrapbooking. I came home to find that he had the pizza dough ready and waiting for our pizza and movie night, the kitchen cleaned, the dishwasher unloaded, and the breakfast dishes cleaned-up. The girls were happy, and dressed. He somehow managed to keep them in clothes all day long! No little girls running-around in panties to greet me when I got home! When I couldn't stop telling him how much it all meant to me, he said, "Please remember it tomorrow when I have no gift for you." He has been looking ever since Christmas for "the gift" without any luck. He tried all night last night, and the night before, and even the one before that, hunting, and today he looked for the "back-up" without any luck. That's really okay... today means more than anything I know that he could find in any store!
I highly suggest the Vicks Vapor Rub on the feet strategy... worked very well! I slept well, considering I had a three year old who had a late night "power nap"...
And now, we wait...
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Mmmm... cheap chocolates...
I got a lot accomplished today. It was mostly lists of places to go and things to find and get, all before baby comes. So a lot of "little things". But now, I am feeling it... we even picked out Peyton's first Pooh Bear, a tradition that all began when Lynn was small.
We were gone for so long, and kept so busy, as I was driving home (at 6:30 pm, late...), I asked the girls what they wanted for dinner. Lynn said little pizzas, Ashley yelled, "No! Olibe Garden!" We had been near Olive Garden earlier in the day when we went to Bed, Bath, & Beyond on one of our quests. She remembered. The more I thought about it on the drive home, the more I liked it. So we went, as an early birthday dinner. I have a lot to do tomorrow.
My blessing for the day... due to recent stories in the news, I am so thankful for the Gospel. The grounding it gives me in my life, but most importantly, the knowledge of how sacred life is. I am so blessed to carry a life inside of me. I am so blessed to be a mother. I am so blessed to be surrounded by mothers and other women who believe these same things, who believe that what they are doing every day, is a sacred calling.
Oh yeah, in my quest for groceries, I also got myself a treat... cheap chocolates. They are only $2.50 a box at Wal-Mart... but oh, so delicious! Merrill thinks they taste horrible, that just means more for me!!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A Photo of "The Underbelly", From "The Underbelly"....
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Almost a box of Glue Dots...
Here's your WARNING...
Thought I'd let you all know... No, I am not in labor, yet ( but tomorrow we'll have an update!). And the car seat is waiting and ready! I can't believe she'll fit into that...
The warning is concerning the Faith of a five year-old.
Last night Lynn prayed:
"Bless that Peyton will come out of my Mother's tummy... next week. And bless that Clint will come home safely from his mission... next week. And bless that Jesus will come again... NEXT WEEK..."
So, there's your warning. Be prepared!
Oh, the Faith of a little child....
Monday, January 14, 2008
A Fun Day...
I managed to get two pages done. This one and a copy of another one I did earlier for Ashley's book, but I wanted one for the family album too!
We had a good day in the "little girl" department. Lynn slept in until almost 11:30 am! She really must have needed it... even Evan going down for a nap, didn't wake her. She woke, happy and cheerful. She was great with her little cousins, and sister, I should add. She usually has "smell" issues... sharing issues... "they're a boy" issues... Today she was so loving! She helped both Cade and Evan, she even shared her Lightening McQueen sippy with Cade and helped feed Evan his fruit snacks. She was concerned about Evan having fun and kept asking me what she could bring to him to play with him. I think I'll let her sleep in more often that late, if this is the result... Both the girls managed to keep clothing on all day! No prancing around in panties!!!
I forgot to tell the story of "My Saturday Night / Early Sunday Morning...
Saturday night, after our pizza dinner and during our movie, Ashley decided to fall asleep. It was 7:30 pm, mind you. I told Merrill to keep her awake, that I could not deal with a late night, he'd have to if he couldn't get her up. He laughed. He tried to wake her, once, then gave up. Once she's been out for 15 minutes +, there's no hope. I tried, nothing... So she slept, we couldn't wake her. We put her in bed and she ended-up waking up a little after ten, with her second wind. We all hung out for a little while in our room, then two of the four fell asleep, I was halfway there. Guess who the two were...
So after moving Lynn to her own bed, Ashley and I headed downstairs for, what I thought, would be a movie. Three movies later, and a little sleep during them, a little before 4 am, Ashley is finally out. I really don't want a night like that again. But Ashley woke up the next morning around 8:30, before the "other two", with fond memories of all of it! She remembered every movie and even the order she viewed them. At least she knows I "a-lub" her... that's Ashley speak for "love".
Speaking of the nocturnal rascal, she found my glasses last night and decided to model them for me... if only I looked as cute!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A glimpse of the past...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
"I'm not cute..."
So funny... Just last week I took pics for this same layout about Ash. It was just two short years ago, and it was Lynn... How time flies!
I just finished my sharing time about the plan of salvation... makes me so much more thankful to be armed with what I need to better teach my kids... now Merrill on the other hand...You know how to tell when your husband has been watching too much "Gangland" on The History Channel??? He starts talking about how the Church should be "blood in and blood out"... He's so silly.
Lynn has been so sweet with the compliments lately. Now she's learned, somehow, to give me one when she is about to ask me for something, something being a treat or a drink... So I got really tired of it the other night and said, "Okay, brown-noser..." She immediately ran to the bathroom, turned on the light, and got on the stool to see herself in the mirror. She yelled back to me and said: "There isn't anything brown on my nose!"
Today Ashley was prancing around in her tumbling suit. I said, "Hey cute girl!" And she made her face so not cute and said, "I'm not cute, I'm BEAUTIFUL."
Okay, last one... As I have related so many prayer stories in the past, I had to include this one. Lynn was blessing the dinner the other night, and slipped in, "And bless that Ash will stop eating her food during the prayer... and bless that she'll fold her arms... and bless that she'll close her eyes... and bless that I will next time too..." At least she's more honest about it, now.
So last night I got most of my hospital things gathered to pack. I realized, today though, that I packed a maternity shirt, which I might need to be that big, one of my extra-large undershirts, which I might need to be that big, and I stopped myself from packing a normal bra, duh, I need a nursing bra.... and maternity "g-s". Thank heavens I realized just why I would be at the hospital and what I'd be doing there! I also realized that I needed to get the car seat all clean and ready...
I went into the nursery to gather some of Peyton's things. I got so excited! I haven't been in her closet since Christmas Eve, to get out gifts that I had hidden in there. I've seen those clothes go through two other girls, yet I am still so excited to see them again on this little one! I do have new things too... I bought her her own "coming home outfit", and I made a matching bracelet... I picked out my favorite rag blanket and matching burp cloth I made, months ago... before I even got pregnant. I made one in cute girlie patterns and another in boyish stuff, just in case... when I come across such cute stuff, how am I supposed to resist? Especially with those little clothes... and when it has "Peyton Green" in it... Not to mention that when Spring hits, I won't have the proper attire for the weather... Give me a minute, I can think of more excuses...
Friday, January 11, 2008
A story from 2006...
Here is Ashley art form today's "crafting" session:
She is starting to draw people. I know, it's a little faint. The tall red one is Mer and I think the yellow one is Peyton. The small, and most faint one in the left corner is "Eban" or Evan, as people who can say their "v's" would say... she described every feature as she drew it... "Here is Eban's eyes, and his eyebrows... Here is his smile... and his hair... Here are his pajamas..."
While I am posting kids work, here's one Lynn drew Sunday during Sacrament meeting....
I was very impressed. She said it was me, and Doctor Bierer, squirting the "jam" on my belly so we can see Peyton inside. She even included her own version of the transducer and the cord... so cute!
So on the topic of the girls, the "wee ones" as Clint would say... As I listened to them play Barbies, their girls were getting a little sassy with one another. Ashley's Barbie said to Lynn's, "Do you wanna piece of me? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
While driving home from the warehouse tonight, after doing donuts in the parking lot... Ash was really confused why we still couldn't see the house that caught on fire down there in JULY... we were trying to explain to her that the fire was put out a long time ago... She got so frustrated with us. She sighed and said, "You guys are giving me a headache..."
I also got the "explanation of benefits" statement from IHC, from the "Kernel Incident"... Guess how much it costs just for the removal of the foreign object from the nose...
I know, outrageous. The least they could have done was send me home with all the tools they used for that price. It was even more on top of that to see the doctor, and that's after the co-pay... The nice thing is, when you try to call them about it, their "new and extended office hours for my convenience" end at 4 pm... I got it around 4:30 pm. I know they're closed for the weekend. Maybe I'll just wait to see how much they try to milk me for when they send "the real bill".
We ate at El Matador tonight. I have been having constant Braxton Hicks ever since the drive to get there... I guess I should probably pack the hospital bag now, just in case...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
AND.... a layout!
And all before lunch...
Ashley cracked me up! As I was putting her mittens on, she said, "Mommy! My thumb is swimming in it's thumb hole!"
Then, when they were outside, going to see the trampoline, which Mer put up, and the playhouse, she was trying so hard to keep up with Lynn. She got to the end of the deck and yelled, "I can't take this anymore!" I was laughing so hard, she turned around and said, "What's so 'bunny' (funny) mom?"
I wonder...
Give me a minute to be a little contemplative... I have had some time to think. Ashley has me on "newborn feeding schedule training ". Every 2-3 hours, she woke me up for some reason...
So as it takes me a lifetime to get comfortable, and fall back asleep, I've had time to think.
It all started last night. I wanted to watch the news, mostly for snow totals, and today's weather. But instead, I got an earful of the unpleasant, what I don't like to hear about. Wild and weird weather happenings, frome everywhere, violent things throughout the world, and things happening to children that make me want to cry just thinking about the little faces involved. It's just not the news, it's good people around me that I know are struggling, going through times and experiences that really test them.
It is interesting that before I sat down to crochet, and watch the news, we read the Book Of Mormon as a family after prayers. We are in 1 Nephi 11, where Nephi, is talking about Lehi's dream or vision of the "Tree of Life". The mists of darkness is what got me. I know I've read this account numberless times, I know what the mists of darkness represent, but his time, It hit me! (That is a blessing of re-reading the Book Of Mormon, learning new things, seeing things differently for the different stages and times we go through in life...) It hit me that the mists arose as people were holding on tight to the iron rod and pressing forward. It sounded to me like what the days are like today, so much worldly "stuff". Here we are, going on, doing what we do, usually doing what is right, and then here comes the world's ideas... It rises up around us, and tries to consume us and confuse us as to what we should really be doing. Things that we have been doing for so long, we start to question because the world starts to think something else. Things that are right, that we have been doing all along, have been okay to the world, until now... It's just amazing to me to see people that I have admired and looked up to, being swallowed. All of this while I am trying to get myself and my family to keep going forward, only when we can feel and not see, where we are going.
On another note...
I got a "follow-up" phone call from that survey the other night, last night... apparently, the surveyor forgot to ask one really important question.
"Are you employed? Do you work full-time, part time, or are you unemployed?"
"I stay at home."
"So you are unemployed."
"No. I work everyday, I just don't get a paycheck."
"Is that full time?"
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
sNoW!!! (part II...)
We had a fun day inside. I put on "Narnia". Kind of felt like our day, lots of snow and all. Lynn is so smart. She was asking me a lot more questions about the movie and why certain things were happening. It was a great teaching experience about symbolism. She understands the atonement a lot more now than just a few months ago. I think C.S. Lewis is someone who really knows the Savior. A neat experience to be able to bear my testimony.
Oh, and here's my layout...
P.S. Ash and I had a night...
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Attention Family:
If you don't like the picture I used of you, tough!!!
No, not really, but you must submit a photo of your choosing before tonight by midnight ;)...
So I forgot a funny story from my day yesterday...
We were driving to Lowe's, I had to fix the sagging left side of my shelves in the scrap room, and we passed the Instacare. Ashley recognized it immediately. She said:
"Hey! There's where the Doctor's Appointment is! We went there and it was day, and then the doctor took the kernel out of my nose, and we left and it was nighttime!!!!"
She was so amazed that we could enter a building, and then leave it, and the whole outside setting had changed.... That is what happens when you spend two hours and five minutes there...
Monday, January 7, 2008
A Princess am I...
My Father is King of heaven and earth,
My spirit was born in the courts on high,
A Daughter beloved,
A Princess am I."
-Author Unknown
I have had this poem memorized since I was a "Merrie Miss", when my mom was in Young Womens. I used it a few times when I was in Young Womens too. I've even used it in some decorating projects for the girls. But it was in my head this evening as I watched my little girl...
To start, Lynn has really grown to love her own little CD collection. She has "Phantom", her Primary songs, an "Aqua" CD, and most recently, "Scripture Scouts" which my mother-in-law gave to her and Ash for Christmas. She actually told me the story of the Brother of Jared the other day... I was a little worried, there were some kids in my ward growing up, and they were a little cRazY, about their scripture tapes...
Anyway... I found a way to make her even more excited about her CD collection. I got her a little lady bug CD case to help protect them, you know, give them a better home than stacked on her table, or underneath her bed, even though they all have their own cases... Tonight, she came downstairs dressed in her Cinderella dress-up, and brought down with her, her CD player, with her Primary CD of songs for this year. Next, she took a storage bin, turned it upside-down, right in front of Merrill, told him to "watch", pushed "play", and began singing, "I am a Child of God". She knows it so well since they've been learning it in Primary. I tried to slyly get the camcorder and video tape it, but I got busted. This was to be a private show. So I stopped so she would continue. Can you see how the poem came to mind? I wish I could have gotten a picture, but, I guess there was no flash-photography either.
I also bought my first winter coat ever tonight. I also bought some matching yarn to make a beanie to go with it... yep, I'm wacky. I figured it was about time though, I don't know how the nurses at the hospital would feel letting a newborn go home with a mom who isn't wearing a coat... maybe Jen could fill me in on those thought...