Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rainy day in review.

I sit here, in my “eagle’s nest”, as I have so lovingly named it, Peyton calls it the “lof”, and I am listening to the rain hit the roof above my head.

I think about this day, what we were able to do during it, and am intensely thankful for the day that I have been blessed with, for the children I got to play with, read to, cook for, bake with, bathe, say prayers with, tuck in…

Days like this seem to place a magnifying glass over the little life I live, force me to examine the blessings I have been so abundantly blessed with more closely, find all of those simple things that I so take for granted.

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BookwormMom said...

The rain was good to me too...I always sleep better on rainy days!

Jenny said...

Ohhhh...I can tell you got a new lens! Is it a portrait lens? Your pictures are beautiful. I have been wanting one for some time, but Lee keeps saying no, I have already bought too many high priced items lately....I have to wait a little longer! I will try not to be jealous...hehehe.

Jenny said...

ps. what does the f-stop go down to?

Jenny said...

p.p.s. what were your settings for the rain picture? I tried to take a picture of the rain today, but I couldn't get a good one like you. Do you use a fast shutter speed (I am guessing)? I really need to take a class....that one you told me about isn't even up yet to be notified for! I am so impatient! Email me:)

Adie said...

Great pictures. I really enjoyed this post it was very peaceful!

Adie said...

Great pictures. I really enjoyed this post it was very peaceful!