I worked hard on these to have 4 pair done for tonight... thanks for moral support Brooke, and for your cutting skills!

The movie was awesome!!! For those of you going to see it, may I suggest the nachos, diet Coke, popcorn WITH milkduds (Christie taught me this, and it is a must try...) and some sour patch kids, for when you think Edward and Bella are going to kiss, but they don't...

Worth it!!!
Glad you had fun! I plan on going to see it next week sometime.
This so not fair! I want some cute pants like that! I can't believe you got to see it first. I'm pouting right now. ;(
I LOVE the pants!!! I am glad you had fun...Ken and I are going to see it Monday morning! I am so excited.
i'm ready to go back!
I went and it was GREAT!!!! it was good. wished there were some stuff in it that they left out! BUT GOOD......
I'm glad I'm hearing good reviews on the movie, we are going to see it tonight and I can't wait!! Way cute pants... you are just so crafty!
wait tell me this is right... you made those pants?if u did,awesom job!:):)
I didn't know you were the "wearing Edward on your Bum" kind of crazy Twilight fan...
Once again, I am in awe and envy of your Skills!!!!
I loved the movie too! I hoped it would be good, it was even better than I thought it would be. Love the pants!
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