Seriously, do you recall my anxiety over having her leave my constant care, to go to pre-school, then my increased anxiety over her going to school??
Then the school year.. some good, some.. well.... not so good.
It's over!!
And I must add, we (I) got the first grade teacher we (I) wanted :)
The family waiting for it all to begin.. Merrill dressed himself all up especially for the occasion ;)
AND she even made her a card.. kinda glad I didn't have to do it.. what would I say? I think Lynn said it best. :D
She did so well in all areas. My favorite was reading her journal, all of the cute pictures in it, and the best, her phonetic spelling.. I honestly cried!! But when don't I? :)
yeah for Lynn......I remember the day she was born.......She is now going to be first grader WOW!!! CONGRATS Lynn........
digi scrap :)
her teacher reminds me of shari lewis... you know the lambchop lady... :)
What a cutie! I tried to find you after the graduation, but you must've busted it out to McDonalds! I also loved the journals, they are so cute and yes I cried too. It was just a reminder that they are growing up!!
It's always McDonalds.
Lynn looks beautiful...and so happy. How are you going to deal with her being gone all day?
Don't cry yet, we've still go the whole summer ahead of us!
Lynn looks beautiful! Congrats on the end of the school year!!! First grade will be great!
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