Sunday, January 18, 2009


I got a new calling today.. another one, I should say.
I have been feeling out of it since my release back in November.. really out of it.
I felt, quite a while ago, that I would be teaching in Relief Society, that was where I was supposed to be, not to mention that it sounded so fun! So I was thoroughly confused when I was called to be Cubmaster.
It didn't feel right.
But I can't say no..
I prayed that things would work out.
Since I consider myself to be a fairly positive person, I was looking for all the positives in the calling of Cubmaster..
- I would get to work with Christie, who is Committee Chair..
- I would get to work with Julie, the new Primary President..
- I would get to be with those fun boys! Love 'em!!
- Pine wood derbys..
- Once a month pack meeting..
- No more correlation, especially since this year it's early morning.. sorry Julie.. :)
But I still felt out of place, so not "with it".. I felt like my spiritual connection was fading. I felt like I was supposed to be doing something else, not this. Am I losing it?
I felt so confused..
Then this call came.
I felt so much better! I FEEL so much better!!
Further testimony that my prayers are answered.
It was further confirmed in a conversation I had with the RS president after I was set apart today.
She knew where I was supposed to be, waaayy back when I first felt it. And she waited, bless her heart! Her words, and let me tell you she is the sweetest person EVER: "I wanted to slap someone when they called you as Cubmaster!! You were supposed to be mine!!"
I am so excited for this, I feel like I have been preparing for it for a long time now.. I felt so good, when they called me to stand in Sacrament meeting, to have me and others sustained, when the sister sitting behind our family said, "Yess!!"
So Good!!


Rachael said...

It felt the same way to me, when they announced that you were going to be in scouts during that sacrament meeting. Like you were meant for something different. And you being called as a teacher, just reaffirms what I was feeling as well.

BookwormMom said...


Promise said... will be an awesome RS teacher! I want to come to your ward too!

Julie said...

I am very happy for you. Just a little bummed I won't be able to listen to your lessons.

Six-Pack Momma said...

I knew it, too. Can't wait for your weeks...