Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some jibber jabber for your enjoyment..

Here are some of Peyton's late night antics that keep us giggling..  (ignore my annoying voice please.  What is that scientific explanation for why we hear ourselves differently?..)
Peyton has recently learned how to say her own name (first and last), and the names of other people in our family.  She kind of gets stuck on Ashley, and Lynn is "Lou" due to our calling her Lynnie-lou all the time.. 
Go directly to 1:55 for the cutest part..  in my opinion.
(Sorry in advance for the poor lighting..)


Sunshine and Lazy days said...

so dang cute! I love Peyton's age! There is something about little toddlers and their love of life! She is so cute, Mindy! Ethan was loving the video too, he kept giggling! :)

Amber said...

So cute! I loved her little dance and I giggled a lot as she kept repeating Ashley's name. I'm so used to Josh, I sometimes forget that other children start talking before they turn three... And she talks so clearly, too! Thanks for sharing the cuteness.

BookwormMom said...

So cute! She's so shy around others, it's so cute to hear her talk!

Janet said...

So sweet. I can't wait to show dad how cute she said his name. As far as the "grandma pitcher" thing, I've heard it before from Cade.♥

Janet said...

Hope you got my comment, can't see it, but I loved the video, I'll show dad.

courtneycash said...

Ugh - I could eat her. I'm known for eating the cute ones. :-) Judah's just starting to get there. Too much fun!