Saturday, April 24, 2010

The going rate.

23 004

This is an indicator of the going rate for Jell-O Pudding cups in the trading market of our local elementary school lunch room.

She traded her chocolate Jell-O pudding..  is she crazy?!  Chocolate..  helloooo!

Apparently she had a friend who made these glasses because she was having issues with her sight at recess.  She kept running into trees, or so she told Lynn.

But once she saw the pudding cup (she was able to see it), the “glasses” were suddenly game for trades. 

Interesting trades if you ask me.

Lynn has since made a laptop to use while wearing her new eyewear.

It is of equal quality and craftsmanship.


Rachael said...

Bah... ha ha ha...

Six-Pack Momma said...

Would you like to know where the plastic for those came from? Lets just say she has enough to make some for the whole family. You could start something...

Sunshine and Lazy days said...

I always traded my chocolate milk for a kit-kat bar. It was a mini one the glasses though!

Jenny said...

Wow! Those glasses are smokin' hot! I gotta get me a pair....but I won't trade the chocolate either.